Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Superpass in october

Well tonight is the first of Britney's tuesday night hotline thing. That should be starting shortly.

Other things that should be happening thursday nights house guest hotline with Kristen.

I'm sure a lot of other things are going on that I don't know about. Janelle's power hour, home life with jordan, etc. etc.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Question and answer via twitter from the BB12 houseguests

I got really bored so I asked the houseguests a bunch of questions through twitter. Here is what I got

Q: Kathy, how is it being outside the big brother house?
A: It is awesome! Nothing has changed...living and loving my life!

Q: Matt, what is your IQ, seeing as you are in Mensa?
A: 140 I think

Q: Matt, which of your guitars is your favorite?
A: My 12 string acoustic

and that is all that answered.

Friday, September 17, 2010

A bunch of things that aren't entirely related.

Alright I have a bunch of things to tell my lovely blog readers.

1. I know the post below says that I'm done until BB13. GUESS WHAT!!! I LIED!!! I think I'm going to do off season updates of the happenings of past houseguests. Fun stuff. So keep reading, you might learn something new.

2. I have a twitter now!! link is on the little linky section. Follow me so I feel cool. I currently have zero followers and I feel like a total loser. Kay cool.

3. I just realized I only had 2 things to tell you so that really isn't a bunch but whatever.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Congrats Hayden!

Well Hayden has officially won Big Brother 12. Congrats to Hayden. Britney won America's choice as everyone suspected including myself.

Well to all the readers of this stupid little blog, thanks for reading. Come back next summer for BB13. It can't be worse than this season, can it?

Until then HASTA LUEGO!!!!!!!



Oh how I love finale night. Mostly because this season was crap and I'm ready for it to be over. Big brother 13 has been confirmed and life is great. Well the votes have been locked at this point and the first 4 evicted houseguest are about to come out after the current commercial break. Hayden beat Lane in part 3 of the HOH and decided to take lane to final 2. I'm happy it is a Lane Hayden final 2. Well obviously I would prefer Britney there but out of the final three, I'm happy that Enzo was evicted. I'm not sure who is going to win. I thought Hayden was a shoe in but now i'm not quite sure. I'll make another post after the finale is over.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I didn't realize how sad it would be...

Well I just watched tonights episode of big brother and it was surprisingly depressing. I saw the reveal of the brigade when it happened an I knew Britney was evicted yesterday. There was nothing that was incredibly new to me at all in this episode. Though last night when I heard Britney was evicted, I was like whatever it is Season 12: Who gives a flying fuck? But watching it all happen, I definitely teared up at some points. Maybe it was seeing Britney so distraught in the DR that did it, IDK. It was weird. I just feel awful for her. She was played by the brigade really bad. But deep down I thought she really knew she wasn't with the guys. I didn't think this was a surprise to her. Oh I don't know. This blog post is stupid but i'm posting it anyway. Still no news on the who the won part one of the final HOH. Feeds should be back up in 2 or so hours...we will know then.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bye Bye Britney

Well the big brother house is officially a sausage fest. Tonight Britney was officially evicted from the big brother house. It is kind of sad. Usually I get really upset when my favorites get evicted but I have no real investment in any of them...even Britney. Whatever. She was the only one who deserved to win but she didn't have the Jury votes so she wasn't going to win 500gs anyway. I am officially never turning the feeds on again this season, though. Britney was the reason I watched so I don't think they would be bearable without her. Anyway. The feeds are currently blocked off until after the show tomorrow because eviction was tonight. It was confirmed from twitter and people who attended the live show that Britney was evicted. The 1st part of final HOH apparently involved the houseguest hanging on vines and being smacked into a wall. I really wish we could watch the Endurance but Allison Grodner hates us as usual. So that's the gist of what is going on right now.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Brigade reveals themselves to Britney.

Last night, the brigade revealed themselves to Britney. Hayden said that he wanted to reveal the brigade to Britney. When Hayden leaves to go get beers, Enzo and Lane first start hinting at the Brigade. Enzo said he had been in an alliance since day 2 with Matt and a couple of other people. When Britney asks who these other people were, Enzo asks Lane if he wants to take this one. They explain to her that since Day 2, Matt, Enzo, Lane, and Hayden were in an alliance. They told her that they were named the brigade the meaning of No GBs for the BG. Explaining why they had to get rid of Matty. Explaining the nicknames, The Beast, The Animal, and The Brain. Enzo says he thinks it is greatness because they control the votes. They asked her if she ever suspected it. She said yes and that Matty had said that he was "in" with those guys. Enzo says that is the reason why Matt had to go. Saying they were better than the four horseman since they didn't make the final 4. Lane said that's why he told her trust him when he said he knew what Hayden and Enzo were doing. Telling her that Matt was throwing Ragan under the bus and that is why he had to go. Britney said they didn't make a good choice with Matt. Enzo said that he won two HOHs and they didn't do anything but they couldn't trust him. Telling her the brigade code. They knew Matty was coming after them after using the DPOV so he had to go. Enzo said that he knew that the three of them (matt, lane, and hayden) weren't the saboteur and proposed the alliance right after the blackout. Enzo said they had to reveal it because it would come out. Explaining the point of the side alliances so they could make sure 2 brigade members weren't on the block together. Telling Britney that they did want her for final 4 for sure, though. Enzo said it was a masterpiece.

When Hayden comes back, Hayden is disapointed that they told her without him. He asked her if she was surprised. She said it wasn't a big secret. Britney saying it was smart that they split into their side alliances so they would have the votes. Hayden said that Matt was telling Ragan stuff so they had to get rid of him. Also he would win the game so they had to. Matt wanted to watch everyone go at it. Saying that Matt had something with Rachel and Brendon. Hayden said that Matt was probably the best player in the game. Britney said he over played.

Hayden says he is sorry to brit but he is glad she won the 10gs. Him and Lane asked her if she is pissed. Lane said he would be. Britney doesn't really say anything. Hayden says he has been truthful to her about everything in this game but the brigade. Lane agrees. Britney asks if she is definitely going home. Hayden says he is not going to say definitely but he isn't using the veto. Enzo comes out the bathroom saying that this is the best alliance ever made. Enzo say they have enough respect for Britney to tell her. Saying Hayden is going to win the entire game. Britney says she will find out when she goes to Jury. Enzo said who would vote for any of us if Hayden is in the final 2. Hayden asks if she wants them to be upfront with her. She says that they have. Enzo says we owe it to you to tell you that. Hayden says she is awesome and they respected her enough to tell her. Britney now seems really upset. They continue to talk about how it was only right to tell her. Hayden asks her if she would rather them not tell her. She says no. She says it doesn't mean it doesn't suck. Hayden said he doesn't want to make her cry. Now she is crying but they keep telling her she is an awesome player and they were really happy she won the 10,000 yesterday. Hayden tries to give her a hug but she says she is going downstairs. She is pretty much sobbing at this point. They keep apologizing but she says that it is hard to know that you wasted 3 months here and that you have no shot at 500 grand. They keep telling her she is an awesome player. She says she isn't mad and that she had a chance and didn't win the veto but it is just hard. So she goes downstairs and goes to the DR for about 2 hours. The Brigade feels really bad but they had to do what they had to do.

I think Britney knew all along but it is hard to take in.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Luxury comp: Coin search

So the big brother houseguests finally had another Luxury competition. Each of the houseguests hid a coin with their name on it. The goal was to be the last one with a coin hidden and that person won $10,000. If your coin is found, you are eliminated from the competition. Enzo found Hayden's and the Britney found Enzo's and Lane's. Britney ended up winning her first prize in the game. Good for her.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Britney video

So over the past couple of weeks, I have been making the britney video. Just adding clips as things happen. Well here it is.

It's like he has already been evicted

Poor Ragan has officially been shunned from the big brother house. That is how this house works this season. Once you are the target, you are basically not in the house. You are officially shunned. Ragan is most definitely going home on thursday which kind of sucks. I feel bad for him. He was really excited about this final 5 and he has been totally "shunned". But in the houses defense, he is isolating himself. He sometimes comes out of the taj and talks to everyone but he doesn't really put in the effort. Eh well, it's big brother, not Kumbaya best friends summer camp.

Enzo saves himself.

So the Veto meeting happened today. There has been talk since Enzo had won power of veto about who Lane was going to put up. Enzo strongly felt that Britney should go on the block. He was just kind of like whatever who gives a shit about Britney, if she goes home, whatever. I think Lane got this feeling that Enzo would vote out Britney over Ragan. Lucky for him, Hayden basically offered to go up. He didn't really care since he knew he was safe but obviously he didn't want to be on the block either. Lane decided to put Hayden up as the pawn because he knew that Enzo and Britney would definitely vote Ragan out.

Though others might think that this is a sign that he is more loyal to Britney than the Brigade, I don't think he is. I think he will ultimately vote out Britney next week if she doesn't win HOH or Pov. I think the reason he put up Hayden was not because he wasn't loyal to Hayden, it was solely because there was good chance that Enzo and Hayden would change their mind and vote out Britney. Britney is someone who will be loyal to him if she wins HOH while Ragan he is not so sure about. Britney being in the house during final 4 is good for his game.

I love this dancing thing

This is probably the best punishment of the three. So good that it gets 2 posts haha. So anyway I think they have danced 5 times so far and Hayden is by far the worst dancer. Exhibit A:

Ragan I think is enjoying it the most. He has said it is the best punishment ever. Exhibit B:

Britney is by far the best dancer. Exhibit C:

Enzo rocks the shower dance. Exhibit D:

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pandora's Box #4 Punishment 3

Well they finally received their final punishment. The punishment is that every hour for 24 hours, they have to get up and dance. The first one was funny. All the guys were outside (this time Ragan is included in "the guys") and Britney is up in the HOH room. Britney didn't seem pleased since she was napping. She was kind of like the girl at the club who didn't want to be there but was forced to dance anyway. Everyone else just looked hilarious.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pandora's Box #4 Punishment 2

Well punishment #2 has happened in the big brother house due to Lane's Pandora's Box. So the punishment is that they have talk using sock puppets for 12 hours. If they say anything without using the sock puppets, the whole house becomes have nots I believe. The sock puppets are kind of cute but this punishment is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Ridiculous. Here are some sock puppet pictures.






Pandora's Box number 4 (this is getting kind of old)

So Lane opened Pandora's Box. His Pandora's box was that he was going to get 3 prizes and the house was going to get 3 punishments. He says his first prize was $91.17 but I'm not sure that I believe that. Maybe $9117 or he just flat out lying. Or he could be telling the truth...I don't know we will find out Sunday or Wednesday. The first punishment was Big Brother took away all the utensils and drinking cups. The houseguests have be able to make due, though.

Britney using a bowl to drink her coffee:

Enzo using a 1/4 cup to eat his cereal:

Hayden just drinking his cereal out of the bowl:

I'll let you know about the punishments/prizes as they happen.

Lane's reign update.

So as I said in the post before, Lane is the new HOH. I'm surprised. Lane was the only person who I believe was 100% safe no matter what happens this week so I don't know why he went for HOH, especially since it is final 5 HOH. Sitting out of final 4 hoh sucks...a lot. But HOH was a crapshoot so I bed he just won randomly. Anyway. Lane decided to put up Enzo as the pawn against Ragan. I don't know what Lane is thinking, but when talking to Hayden, it appears that if Ragan wins POV, they will stick to backdooring Britney. I don't know what will really happen though because Ragan is going to vote to keep Britney probably and Hayden is going to vote to keep Enzo. Lane would be the deciding vote. It would be better for Lane's game to keep Britney because Brit would take him to final 2 while enzo would take Hayden. But he is 100% brigade so who fucking knows what he will do.

POV options are probably otev or morph. I'm hoping for otev because I think Hayden would be really good at that while Ragan probably has morph in the bag. Enzo has been studying for morph, though, and Britney I believe will be good at it as well. So maybe someone else can win Morph? Maybe...

Friday, August 27, 2010

FINALLY! Goodbye Needle Dick!

So we had a pretty fantastic Double Eviction this week. Even though I would have loved to see the penguin go, Matt leaving was fine and dandy since Brendon followed him right out the door. Hayden had a nice HOH win. Brendon thought he had it in the bag and Hayden took it right up from him. Ragan and Brendon nominated, ragan won pov, brit goes up, brendon goes out. BEAUTIFUL!

Lane is the new HOH. I never thought I'd see the day.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Oh Hayden...

So last night, Hayden broke ANOTHER thing in the house. I don't know if I blogged about it before but a week ago, Hayden broke the pool sticks as seen below

Basically he lost the pool game so he swung the stick. He didn't realize how close he was to the other pool sticks so they broke. Big brother gave him a warning type thing. They knew it was an accident. I think it would probably just come out of his stipend.

Then we have incident number 2. Last night was playing with the vase and tried to ride it like a skate board. Obviously you cannot ride a vase like a skateboard because it doesn't have wheels. You also shouldn't stand on a vase because it probably can't hold the weight of an adult male. Since that vase couldn't hold is wait, it broke as seen below.

Apparently they put him on some sort of Big Brother Probation. I'm assuming he will get like penalty nom/vote if it happens again but definitely coming out of his stipend.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Here's the situation.

Well the veto ceremony is going on right now so I thought I would take the time to go over the last couple days. There has been a lot going on in this house over the past 2 days. Brendon winning veto was the worst case scenario and that obviously puts Britney in a bit of a predicament. Which one of her close friends does she put up against Enzo? Well Britney has laid it out. She isn't putting up Lane because obviously she wants final 2 with him. She doesn't want to put up Ragan because he didn't have a chance to play in the veto. That leaves Hayden and Matt. If she puts up Matt, he goes home. If she puts up Hayden, Enzo goes home. Now I have been flip-flopping on what would be a better for her game because let's go through the worst case scenarios.

1. Matt goes up and out. During double eviction HOH, that takes out one person who is definitely going to try to win HOH and wants Brendon out more than she does. The odds of Brendon winning HOH are higher and if he does, who does he put up? Britney and Ragan. Worst Case, Ragan wins POV. Who goes home? Britney.

2. Hayden goes up and Enzo goes home. The boys are pissed at her for going against them and want her out of the house. The odds of Hayden and Lane and Matt still wanting her around are slim and Matt, who will most likely win HOH if not Brendon, will probably put her up to protect the Brigade. Britney subsequently goes home.

Now at first, I was thinking Matt is more likely to be trustworthy to Britney over Enzo and that was what Ragan was trying to tell Britney. At one point Britney has a conversation with Lane about it but he talked her out of it. When I woke up this morning, I realized that it was completely in her best interest to get rid of Matt. This is the only chance they are going to be able to get him out, and the likeliness of Matt being loyal to brit is slim to nothing. Also Lane, Enzo, and Hayden are planning to take Britney to final 4. At that point in the game, she will probably be able to beat them over Matt and Ragan. She is dumb for thinking that the boys are actually aligned with her, but she isn't dumb for sticking with them and then knocking them out. It is clear that Britney wants a final 3 of Hayden, Lane, and herself. She needs to win HOH for that to happen but she has the highest chance of doing that. But before we think that far ahead in the game, there is another obstacle: BRENDON.

Now we all know that Britney is one of Brendon's targets but let's be real, who is number 1? Matt! I would even go and say that he would target Ragan before he targeted Britney. She would probably be safe if Brendon wins HOH with Matt still the house. If Matt or Ragan wins HOH, Britney still could be safe...maybe. But realistically, If she puts up Hayden, she has the house against her and they might not want to keep her.

So basically the conclusion I had come to was BRITNEY IS SCREWED!

But then Matt screwed himself over. Matt came up with a plan to throw Ragan under the bus and keep the Brigade intact. Problem with that is it backs up Britney's original "Matt is totally shady and untrustworthy" reason for putting him up. Ragan would take a bullet for Matt and Matt acts like he would do the same for Ragan. Even the brigade thinks it's not okay that he is throwing Ragan under the bus that hard.

Then it gets better. Britney realized that if she was going to go through with backdooring Matt, she was going to have to cover her bases with Brendon. Britney and Brendon had a pretty decent conversation. Britney told him straight up that she was doing him a favor by putting Matt up because has done nothing that would make her think that Matt wouldn't have her back. She was like take this as an apology for putting you up. Brendon seemed to be down with the Britney not going on the block during double eviction. He kind of offered her a Final 2 deal that she never actually accepted but went along with it. She mostly was just saying that it helps me having you in the game and if they did go to final 2, it is a justified even ground final 2. They are both tied for comps at this point. Obviously Britney was just covering her bases but I think Brendon was legit. Brendon said they would talk before thursday and come up with a plan for double eviction if Brendon wins HOH and which of the guys would go up. It seems pretty legit but I don't really know what Brendon is actually thinking.

So hopefully Britney is not in danger for DE but who knows what is going to happen.

Sorry if none of this makes sense...my thought process rarely makes sense : )

Feeds just came back. Matt is on the block.

Just the Tip 6th Edition: Birthday Edition

We had the 6th edition of Just the Tip last night. Not one of their better episodes. Kind of short. Britney covered current events in the house. This episodes current event was her experience being handcuffed to Brendon. Ragan talked about the Hawaiian Luau they got when Britney opened Pandora's Box and had to spend an hour working out with Jesse. Apparently the Hula dancers looked like trannies. They did a segment called who wore it better. Rachel owned the same dress that Britney was wearing for Birthday night. They concluded that Britney indeed wore it better. Hayden talked about his experience being a Have-not for the first time. Yeah not that exciting.

Britney's Birthday!

So Monday is Britney's Birthday but Big Brother says that Birthdays are celebrated on Sunday's so I guess today is Britney's Birthday. So they did birthday celebration. Matt made her a cake, which is nice seeing as he knows that she is backdooring him this week. Britney put on a dress which is slightly surprising because Britney only wears things that aren't sweats on thursday live show. Britney is planning to get drunk. Unless you count tipsy flip cup britney, we haven't seen drunk Britney yet so this should be interesting. This is a really unexciting blog post. I added a picture to hopefully spice it up.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Britney and Brendon show

So Brendon decided that the houseguest he was going to handcuff himself to was Britney. Brendon also has to get up every hour to take a chum bath meaning Britney has to do it too. Both of them seem to be really good sports about it. Here are just some pictures of Britney and Brendon bonding time.

Pandora's Box number 3

Britney decided to open Pandora's Box. Britney got the bad this time seeing as she was locked in Pandora's Box for an hour with BB10/11 Jessie working out while the houseguest got a Hawaiian Luau. I feel so bad for her, she is having the worst HOH ever seeing as last night she had to get up every hour with Brendon for his chum baths. They slept outside on the recliner. She had to work out with Jessie. At least tomorrow is her birthday and she should have a decent day hahah.

Veto/Luxury comp!

Veto comp was How bad do you want it. It was anonymous who won the prizes but some of them were obvious and people ended up revealing what prizes they got. List

Hayden: 5K and trip to Hawaii
Lane: Phone call from home
Enzo: All his clothes were donated and he has to wear a penguin suit for a week
Brendon: Veto, Slop for 3 weeks, Shaved head, Chum baths every hour, and handcuffed to a houseguest of his choice for 24 hours (britney)

It has been interesting to say the least.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Just the tip returns with Episode 5.

After the hiatus that lasted way too long, Just the tip returns with it's 5th Edition. Britney starts off this episode with current events. She talks about Matt and the DPOV, her winning HOH, etc. etc. Ragan does "How it really happened" which was talking about how Ragan was feeling this week compared to how matt was feeling this week. Matt and Ragan also decide to show Britney's terrible pagent photo to the viewers. Lane (the audience) asks the question, If you have integrity like ND, does that get you farther in the game. Ragan says yes and that leads into our tip of the day. If you have a losing strategy like the gruesome twosome, stick with the strategy and play like she is still in the game and make decisions like she is still in the game. Lane also asked what happened to Kathy's Korner. Britney said that Kathy hit a turn for the worst but she is in a better place with root beer. They continued to talk about Kathy including how Kathy's last words were "Who is going to take care of my fish"? Britney said she cared more about the fish than her legacy in this game. They apologize for not doing just the tip for awhile but promise that there will be episodes every day this week. Hayden ends with sports update. He is the current Billiard Bowl champ and that it was an accident that he broke the pool sticks last night.

Britney's HOH room!!!!

As I said in the post before, Britney won HOH. Best birthday week ever for her. Well they did "Who wants to see my HOH room?" early last night so I got to see it. She seemed really happy. Her got a sweatshirt, a blanket from nick, a bunch of cereal, hamburger helper, and other stuff. Also she got playdough which she doesn't really get but I would be happy with play dough. She read her letter from her mom and cried. Nice letter. Pictures were generally good. Nice one of her family and dog but then the one of her and nick they were both sweaty and drunk and then she got a picture of her pagent days and she looks almost evil. Matt seems to be really obsessed with the pagent one. He said he wants to make it his facebook profile picture and his desktop background so whenever he is sad, he can look at the picture and remember that out there, someone else is sadder than he is. This one didn't last long because britney basically kicked out everyone but Matt and Ragan. (Well not really, but she said she they didn't have to stay and pretend like they were interested so everyone but Matt and Ragan left) I was happy, the three of them were happy. Life is good.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

BRITNEY'S HOH!!!!!!!!!

Oh my mother fucking god! Britney just won HOH! I'm so happy I don't know what to do with myself. This is pretty much the best day ever. Go Britney!!!!!!!! She will finally get that sweatshirt that she has been wanting for the past couple weeks, she gets a letter from family which she deserves more than anyone. Her Birthday is also on monday. This is a pretty damn good week for this girl. I assume that she is going to nominate Enzo and Brendon. That makes the most logical sense. Both of them are gunning for her so might as well.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Saboteur strikes!

So around 8:25 PM, Ragan leaves a note under Enzo's bed that says "I know your secret -S". It was funny because Ragan was so nervous about doing it too. He like walks into the Taj Bedroom, pulls out the note then says "I can't do this" and then walks out. The second time around he finally puts it under Enzo's pillow and walks out. Us feeders are like COME ON ENZO FIND THE NOTE!!! But of course he doesn't find it for another 5 hours. Around 3:45 AM, Enzo is about to go to bed when he sees the note under the pillow. He is like "What the fuck is this?" and shows Hayden and Lane. The two of them talk about how they think that Kathy is the Saboteur. Kathy made all the beds so she could have easily put it there. They were trying to figure out who would have put the note under there and when. They think it might just be BB because they were on lockdown today and Enzo hadn't been to his bed all day. The three of them check the other beds for other notes and then go interrogate Kathy. Kathy said she made the beds after lockdown and that there was no note there when she did. Enzo thinks it is Big Brother who did it but Lane Kathy and Hayden disagree.

The boys then leave the Taj and go wake up the have-nots (Britney, Ragan, and Matt). Those three get out of bed but think that they are joking. They all are really starting to think that it is Kathy. They say she was called to the DR randomly today. (It is a fact that Kathy is never called to the DR). Enzo said that even though Kathy was asleep in Taj, the lights were still on as if she wanted him to see the note. So the 6 of them (everyone but Kathy and Brendon) leave Jumanji to go talk in Cabana at 4:00 AM. They think that Kathy did bad in the past 2 competition even for her. Britney think she took the saboteur job because she had no hopes of winning the game. They just continued to list reasons why it was Kathy for the next hour until Enzo says there is a stain on the paper. Britney asks if it is root beer and they just talk about random things that Kathy does. Around 5:00, Britney says that this was a good talk but she is going back to bed and everyone else follows suit. Before the boys go to bed, though, they talk in the bathroom saying it might be a better idea to get rid of Kathy before Brendon.

I think it is pretty clear now that Matt is going to put Kathy tomorrow when he uses the diamond power of veto on himself. Thank you, Ragan, for keeping Britney safe this week even though that wasn't your intention.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Done with the recaps.

So, since I am a lazy ass, I'm starting to get tired of doing Recaps. I cover most of the episode details in other posts anyway. I think I'm just going to give a general rundown of the competition and that is it. Maybe some DR quotes but yeah that's it. I know nobody reads the Recaps anyway...they are long and boring.

Youtube account suspended

So my youtube account got suspended because my videos were copyright infringement. So none of the videos work. I might re upload them somewhere else later but no more videos from me for awhile.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The saboteur's night time attacks.

So last night, Britney said to Hayden right before she went to bed that she was going to bed early tonight because the Sab is probably going to keep us up all night so we don't do well in the competition tomorrow. Well she was wrong about the competition but she was right that the Sab was going to keep them up all night. They got the first message at 2:40 and then they got messages every half hour until about 6:30 am. They were just stupid things like "Wake up, Houseguests" or "What's wrong? Am I keeping you up?". Hayden, Enzo, Brendon, and Kathy are the only people who really got up for them. I think Britney got up for the one at 4:15. I don't think Ragan got up at all. I think Matt and Lane went to a couple. Gotta love the Saboteur.

Results of the POV meetings

Brendon decided to put Matt up on the block. That Diamond power of veto is going to come into play on thursday. Now all week I have been CONVINCED that Britney was going home this week, whether it was being put up as nom, replacement nom, or dpov replacement nom. Well she wasn't nominated, and she wasn't the replacement nom. I don't think Matt is going to put her up either thank the lord. Matt is starting to catch on to the fact that Enzo and Hayden want him gone. He and Lane had a talk earlier today and I think what might happen is Lane Britney Matt and Ragan forming an alliance. But that is a big might. In the talk, Matt asked Lane whether he thought that Enzo and Hayden would put up Brendon if they won HOH next week. He said he wasn't sure and Matt was pissed. Kathy is most likely going up because it sickens matt that she is still in this house but I'm hoping that he makes a big move and puts up Enzo or Hayden. I think Britney is safe this week and I'm really excited. But let's be real, Thursday is 3 days away and in Big Brother time that is an eternity. Let's hope for the best : )

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Good, Bad, maybe in between?

Ragan won power of veto. Not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing. Yes Ragan is safe and that is great but Britney might go up in his place. I don't know.

DPOV might change things though....


RACHEL IS BACK!?!?!? It was scary. I was watching the live feeds and all of a sudden we had extended bubbles. By extended I mean about an hour. The first thing I see when the feeds come back is RACHEL! I was like WHAT THE FUCK!?!? I actually screamed at my screen. The funny thing about it is guess who is missing? BRENDON! Brendon opened Pandora's box and it is believed that he thought he was going to go see Rachel at the Jury house but instead he went to the Jury house for 24 hours and Rachel is in the house for 24 hours. SO FUNNY! But I was shocked to see her. There has been a bit of an issue with the goodbye message. Britney claims that she left a really nice goodbye message for Rachel. We all know that is a lie. Good job thinking on your feet Britney! That goodbye message was gold.

Rachel has officially taken over the HOH room and talking to everyone in the house. It is kind of like how Kristen was with the Cabana room. She has spoken to Enzo and Matt so far. Enzo sucked up majorly. Matt and her are having a decent conversation. He isn't really sucking up just asking about the jury house.

Friday, August 13, 2010

I'm confused.

Brendon nominated Lane and Ragan. I'm not really sure why. Backdoor plan maybe? Who knows. I was convinced Britney was going up. CONVINCED! I mean I love Britney and I'm happy she is currently off the block but I was sure she was going up. It doesn't really make much sense. Hopefully Britney wins veto and guarantees her safety this week. This is going to be a strange week...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

This is going to be a crappy week.

Well Brendon won HOH. I'm pissed. This was not supposed to happen. I'm so angry. Britney, Matt, and Ragan are obviously the Have-nots for the week since Brendon got to choose. Ugh I'm so angry. I don't want Britney nominated but it is most likely going to happen. Stupid Brendon.

"Just the Tip" Ep. 4

We had our fourth episode of "Just the Tip" last night. A lot better than last night because we didn't get as many comments from "Kathy's Corner". So Britney covered some current Events. They had their halfway party last night and she talked about that and how they all were able to be civil with Brendon and Rachel but ignored the fact that Brendon was making jokes. It was also brought up that Brendon claimed he knew every song and every artist played at the party yet he didn't know a single lyric. She also talked about how Rachel left her "mark" in the HOH bathroom.

The interviewed the Billiard Bowl champ, Enzo. Ragan did Skankisms, which was about Rachel's dress at the halfway party. There were a couple questions from the audience. Hayden gave the Tip of the day and both he and britney gave shout outs.

Check out the video on my youtube channel : )

Today is a good day!

This morning I woke up with a huge smile on my face. Why, you may ask. It is because skanky whore face Rachel is GOING TO JURY HOUSE!!!!! Only about 8 hours until we see that skank walk out the door. Oh man can life get better. I'm having a party, you are all invited, drinks all around!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"I Beat you", Jeff and Jordan, and YOU GOT THIS, BABE!

Houseguests: Brendon, Britney, Enzo, Hayden, Kathy, Lane, Matt, Rachel, Ragan
HoH: Matt
Nominees: Brendon and Rachel
PoV: Britney

So we have the recap of the nomination ceremony with a couple of corresponding DRs. Matt said that Rachel and Brendon were the two biggest threats in the house, they were an annoyance, and a virus in the house. Ragan said "My feelings can be better expressed through song: HALLELUJAH!" Brendon said that it was a stupid move on Matt's part because whoever stays is going after him. Rachel doesn't understand why she is the target when there are 6 guys in the house.

Rachel and Brendon talk in the Taj, both very angry because of nominations. When they go into the kitchen, everyone else asks if they are all right and they don't really respond. Matt, Kathy, Hayden, and Ragan talk in the bathroom saying things like "someone's grumpy" talking about rachel who is in the kitchen angrily cutting vegetables for her huge ass salad that is definitely made for 4 people but she eats herself. Kathy doesn't think she should be using a knife. (neither did I when I watched on live feeds. I thought she was going to lose a finger) Next you see Britney randomly react to Rachel and asks her if she was alright and that should probably go talk in Taj with a slight edge in her voice. What you missed was Rachel calling Britney a bitch and then Britney reacting that way.

Rachel and Brendon talk in Cabana. Rachel has a her large salad that is meant for 7, brendon is eating a regular meal. I Normally don't put pictures in Recap posts but I think you need to see this salad to understand how large it really is:

anyway. Brendon tells her that he would sacrifice his game for her to stay in this house and that he would use the POV on her if he wins. Rachel "cries" in the DR about how all she has done is fight to be here and random other crap that you don't really want to hear.

They have a bowling lane set up to practice for the veto competition. They ask rachel if she wants to practice but she runs off to the TAJ and "sobs". Brendon follows her and tries to comfort her but she keeps saying that she has nothing left to give. She says in the DR that she feels like "road kill waiting for the crows to come eat me". Brendon basically drags her outside and then they practice until like 5:30 am. Enzo comes out at 3:30 and is like what the hell it is 3:30!?!?!

Then it is time to draw names for the veto competition. 7 people are playing because Ragan has a veto ticket. The Players are Matt, Brendon, Rachel, Britney, Kathy, Enzo and Ragan. Later on, the houseguests are sitting around when they hear the doorbell ring? Oddly confused they go to the door to find Jeff and Jordan from BB11! Woo everyone excited to see people that weren't each other. So Jeff and Jordan are hosting the veto comp.

So the veto competition is Lover's Lane. Basically a houseguest goes up, bowls, then challenges is another houseguest. Whoever scores the lowest amount of pins is eliminated. Then they continue to do rounds like that until one person is left who will win the power of veto

First Round: Rachel goes first and bowls a 6. She challenges Kathy. Kathy knocks down 7 Pins. Rachel is eliminated.
Second Round: Brendon goes first and bowls a 3. He challenges Britney who knocks down 5 pins. Brendon is eliminated.

Now that Brendon and Rachel were the first two out of the competition, the houseguest kind of enjoyed it. Just kind of had fun, not really worried about who was going to win or going to lose. Matt in the DR said it was like playing skeeball at chuck e cheese and having a good time. Apparently Enzo ended up just asking who wanted to go up and Britney offered. Nobody cared because either Brendon or Rachel was definitely going home this week. All thought Brendon's Bowl of a three was pathetic. Rachel said in the DR that a monkey could do better than that.

Third Round: Enzo knocks down 8 pins. He challenges Britney who knocks down 9 pins. Enzo is eliminated.
Fourth round: Ragan knocks down 7 pins. He challenges Matt who knocks down 9 pins. Ragan is eliminated
Fifth Round: Kathy knocks down 7 pins. She challenges Britney who knocks down 8 pins. Kathy is eliminated.
Sixth Round: Matt knocks down 7 pins. He challenges Britney who knocks down all 10 pins. Britney wins the Power of veto.

Oh I forgot to mention that on Brendon's last ball he chucks it and almosts hits Jeff and Jordan. Anger issues...

Rachel is planning to confront Kathy for disrespecting Rachel in the competition aka rachel didn't think it was appropriate for Kathy to cheer because she won the round against her aka rachel is a self centered idiot. So rachel confronts Kathy asking her to appologize and Kathy is obviously like no you are ridiculous. You chose me because you were convinced you could beat me and I was happy I won. Apparently that is still not okay because rachel is in the lowest position in this house. Britney who is listening from the HOH bedroom gets really pissed off. Kathy comes up later and Britney says "Kathy if you apologize I will slap you across the face".

Ragan has his first sab task which is to turn Brendon and Rachel against each other. He said in his message that was directed at rachel specifically, "Brendon has been throwing competitions to get ahead in this game". Didn't work. Rachel just laughed. It did help a little bit because now the whole house thinks Rachel is the saboteur.

Rachel tries to convince Britney to use the veto on her. Britney says straight up that it would hurt her game if she was to use the veto on Rachel. Rachel offers her $5000, Britney still says no.

Veto meeting.
Rachel basically just begs for britney to use it. While Brendon on the other hand calls Britney a selfish spoiled brat. Britney laughs at him and obviously decides not to use the power of veto.

"Just the Tip" Ep. 3

As I said, I'm going to be doing daily updates of Just the Tip. In episode 3, Ragan did the "What really happened" segment, Britney covered current events along with Kathy (who shouldn't have been there), and Hayden gave us the Peter parker update. Ragan was explaining what happened in the hammock with rachel earlier and their conversation about when she laughed at Ragan, but Rachel said what really happened is that she said a funny joke in the DR and was still laughing about it. Current events covered by Britney were what happened between her and Brendon. Kathy talked about the wine corkscrew incident. And Hayden told us Peter Parker had been found.

Video on my youtube channel. : )