Sunday, September 26, 2010

Question and answer via twitter from the BB12 houseguests

I got really bored so I asked the houseguests a bunch of questions through twitter. Here is what I got

Q: Kathy, how is it being outside the big brother house?
A: It is awesome! Nothing has and loving my life!

Q: Matt, what is your IQ, seeing as you are in Mensa?
A: 140 I think

Q: Matt, which of your guitars is your favorite?
A: My 12 string acoustic

and that is all that answered.

Friday, September 17, 2010

A bunch of things that aren't entirely related.

Alright I have a bunch of things to tell my lovely blog readers.

1. I know the post below says that I'm done until BB13. GUESS WHAT!!! I LIED!!! I think I'm going to do off season updates of the happenings of past houseguests. Fun stuff. So keep reading, you might learn something new.

2. I have a twitter now!! link is on the little linky section. Follow me so I feel cool. I currently have zero followers and I feel like a total loser. Kay cool.

3. I just realized I only had 2 things to tell you so that really isn't a bunch but whatever.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Congrats Hayden!

Well Hayden has officially won Big Brother 12. Congrats to Hayden. Britney won America's choice as everyone suspected including myself.

Well to all the readers of this stupid little blog, thanks for reading. Come back next summer for BB13. It can't be worse than this season, can it?

Until then HASTA LUEGO!!!!!!!



Oh how I love finale night. Mostly because this season was crap and I'm ready for it to be over. Big brother 13 has been confirmed and life is great. Well the votes have been locked at this point and the first 4 evicted houseguest are about to come out after the current commercial break. Hayden beat Lane in part 3 of the HOH and decided to take lane to final 2. I'm happy it is a Lane Hayden final 2. Well obviously I would prefer Britney there but out of the final three, I'm happy that Enzo was evicted. I'm not sure who is going to win. I thought Hayden was a shoe in but now i'm not quite sure. I'll make another post after the finale is over.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I didn't realize how sad it would be...

Well I just watched tonights episode of big brother and it was surprisingly depressing. I saw the reveal of the brigade when it happened an I knew Britney was evicted yesterday. There was nothing that was incredibly new to me at all in this episode. Though last night when I heard Britney was evicted, I was like whatever it is Season 12: Who gives a flying fuck? But watching it all happen, I definitely teared up at some points. Maybe it was seeing Britney so distraught in the DR that did it, IDK. It was weird. I just feel awful for her. She was played by the brigade really bad. But deep down I thought she really knew she wasn't with the guys. I didn't think this was a surprise to her. Oh I don't know. This blog post is stupid but i'm posting it anyway. Still no news on the who the won part one of the final HOH. Feeds should be back up in 2 or so hours...we will know then.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bye Bye Britney

Well the big brother house is officially a sausage fest. Tonight Britney was officially evicted from the big brother house. It is kind of sad. Usually I get really upset when my favorites get evicted but I have no real investment in any of them...even Britney. Whatever. She was the only one who deserved to win but she didn't have the Jury votes so she wasn't going to win 500gs anyway. I am officially never turning the feeds on again this season, though. Britney was the reason I watched so I don't think they would be bearable without her. Anyway. The feeds are currently blocked off until after the show tomorrow because eviction was tonight. It was confirmed from twitter and people who attended the live show that Britney was evicted. The 1st part of final HOH apparently involved the houseguest hanging on vines and being smacked into a wall. I really wish we could watch the Endurance but Allison Grodner hates us as usual. So that's the gist of what is going on right now.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Brigade reveals themselves to Britney.

Last night, the brigade revealed themselves to Britney. Hayden said that he wanted to reveal the brigade to Britney. When Hayden leaves to go get beers, Enzo and Lane first start hinting at the Brigade. Enzo said he had been in an alliance since day 2 with Matt and a couple of other people. When Britney asks who these other people were, Enzo asks Lane if he wants to take this one. They explain to her that since Day 2, Matt, Enzo, Lane, and Hayden were in an alliance. They told her that they were named the brigade the meaning of No GBs for the BG. Explaining why they had to get rid of Matty. Explaining the nicknames, The Beast, The Animal, and The Brain. Enzo says he thinks it is greatness because they control the votes. They asked her if she ever suspected it. She said yes and that Matty had said that he was "in" with those guys. Enzo says that is the reason why Matt had to go. Saying they were better than the four horseman since they didn't make the final 4. Lane said that's why he told her trust him when he said he knew what Hayden and Enzo were doing. Telling her that Matt was throwing Ragan under the bus and that is why he had to go. Britney said they didn't make a good choice with Matt. Enzo said that he won two HOHs and they didn't do anything but they couldn't trust him. Telling her the brigade code. They knew Matty was coming after them after using the DPOV so he had to go. Enzo said that he knew that the three of them (matt, lane, and hayden) weren't the saboteur and proposed the alliance right after the blackout. Enzo said they had to reveal it because it would come out. Explaining the point of the side alliances so they could make sure 2 brigade members weren't on the block together. Telling Britney that they did want her for final 4 for sure, though. Enzo said it was a masterpiece.

When Hayden comes back, Hayden is disapointed that they told her without him. He asked her if she was surprised. She said it wasn't a big secret. Britney saying it was smart that they split into their side alliances so they would have the votes. Hayden said that Matt was telling Ragan stuff so they had to get rid of him. Also he would win the game so they had to. Matt wanted to watch everyone go at it. Saying that Matt had something with Rachel and Brendon. Hayden said that Matt was probably the best player in the game. Britney said he over played.

Hayden says he is sorry to brit but he is glad she won the 10gs. Him and Lane asked her if she is pissed. Lane said he would be. Britney doesn't really say anything. Hayden says he has been truthful to her about everything in this game but the brigade. Lane agrees. Britney asks if she is definitely going home. Hayden says he is not going to say definitely but he isn't using the veto. Enzo comes out the bathroom saying that this is the best alliance ever made. Enzo say they have enough respect for Britney to tell her. Saying Hayden is going to win the entire game. Britney says she will find out when she goes to Jury. Enzo said who would vote for any of us if Hayden is in the final 2. Hayden asks if she wants them to be upfront with her. She says that they have. Enzo says we owe it to you to tell you that. Hayden says she is awesome and they respected her enough to tell her. Britney now seems really upset. They continue to talk about how it was only right to tell her. Hayden asks her if she would rather them not tell her. She says no. She says it doesn't mean it doesn't suck. Hayden said he doesn't want to make her cry. Now she is crying but they keep telling her she is an awesome player and they were really happy she won the 10,000 yesterday. Hayden tries to give her a hug but she says she is going downstairs. She is pretty much sobbing at this point. They keep apologizing but she says that it is hard to know that you wasted 3 months here and that you have no shot at 500 grand. They keep telling her she is an awesome player. She says she isn't mad and that she had a chance and didn't win the veto but it is just hard. So she goes downstairs and goes to the DR for about 2 hours. The Brigade feels really bad but they had to do what they had to do.

I think Britney knew all along but it is hard to take in.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Luxury comp: Coin search

So the big brother houseguests finally had another Luxury competition. Each of the houseguests hid a coin with their name on it. The goal was to be the last one with a coin hidden and that person won $10,000. If your coin is found, you are eliminated from the competition. Enzo found Hayden's and the Britney found Enzo's and Lane's. Britney ended up winning her first prize in the game. Good for her.