Thursday, February 24, 2011

So I decided it was time to Redesign

Well there is a new blog layout if you couldn't tell.  I was getting bored of the other one.  I felt I wanted something a little bit cleaner anyway.  I have started making the header for next season which will hopefully be an improvement on the season 12 header.  Definitely put that together in 5 minutes...

Okay that is all.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So this doesn't have to do with Big Brother but whatever.

Survivor tonight? What the fuck just happened. I mean I don't know how to react to that tribal. I'm just speechless. Phillip is so stupid. As a Former Federal Agent, you would think he would know when to stop talking. You don't get into an alliance and just reveal everything during tribal. This is survivor buddy. Don't want to make enemies week 1. I am okay with Kristina. She was playing the game but showing Phillip the idol and aligning with him was really stupid. I mean in any situation, Francesca would have gone home but she wouldn't have been in such a bad position if Phillip didn't say anything. I just don't even know how to really respond. I think Phillip is one of the worst players in the history of survivor.