Friday, July 8, 2011

Starting off BB13

So remember when I said I was going to do initial thoughts?  Yeah never got around to that.  But that is okay.  So Big Brother premiere was yesterday night and I'm pretty sure I can tell already this season is going to be better than BB12.  Well that's not saying much...watching paint dry was more exciting than BB12.

While watching the first episode, I thought I was going to like Keith.  I thought he was funny.  Now watching the feed he drives me nuts.  Definitely my least favorite so far.  The real shocker though is RACHEL REILLY and the fact that I HAVE NO URGE TO KILL HER!  I think I might be on team Rachel.  I don't know about Brendon yet but I honestly don't think Rachel is that bad right now. I mean it has only been a day and there is plenty of time for me to start hating her again but for right now I'm on good terms with Rachel.

Oh and Dick's gone.  Nobody knows why yet.

I think I'm just rooting for all the oldies.  I don't think I like any of the noobs except Dominic and that's a maybe.

Rachel is HOH.  Keith and Porsche are on the block.  Veto competition is going on as we speak. I'll post again when it's over.

I'm really tired so I probably shouldn't be blogging.

I think that's it.