Life get's in the way like that.
The only things that newsworthy I have heard since October are Britney and Nick breaking up and Britney moving to NY and of course Brenchel is no more.
Well since all I actually know about Nick is what Britney said about him on the show, I honestly don't think it is my place to judge their relationship or their breakup. I also actually have respect for Britney. I may not have always agreed with some of her tactics as seen in a few of my posts, but as a viewer, blogger, frequent poster on Jokers, I always have some respect for Britney's game play.
On the topic of respect, I really don't respect the Neanderthal and his ex-girlfriend. I don't have much to say about their relationship end because frankly I don't care. I don't care whether they are together, apart, whatever. There the only two houseguests of BB12 that have twitters and I don't follow them. There is a reason for that. I JUST DON'T CARE!!! That's where I think I differ from a lot of the Britney/Ragan and the Brenchel fans. I don't feel the need that I have to constantly protect Britney and Ragan all the time. That might be taking it a little extreme but let's be real, what else is it then? During BB12, I took jabs at just about everyone. Even though I CLEARLY favored Britney and Ragan, it's not like I turned a blind eye to some the things they did. But this really isn't the point I'm trying to make here. This post is not about me nor about the majority of jokers. I respect the jokers posters a lot. The people I'm talking about are what I refer to as "Bat-shit Crazy Fans"
Now though I agree with most comments that Britney and Ragan fans say about Brendon and Rachel, there is a time and a place to say those things. Those include your own blogs and GENERAL DISCUSSION forums (I really want to emphasize the general discussion portion). Not appropriate: Brendon or Rachel's twitter, Brendon and Rachel dedicated forums, comments on Brendon and Rachel Tribute videos. Nope not appropriate at all.
Yesterday, Ragan made a post on his blog about his social networking pet peeves and number 1 was
1. You forfeit your right to tell me how much I suck or how disgusting you find me when YOU are the one who follows ME.
He has a point there. If you don't like him DON'T FOLLOW him! That is the general point I'm trying to get across. But it extends farther than that. If you don't like Brendon, don't watch a youtube tribute about Britney. I was reading the comments on my Britney tribute video thing,and this is one of the very early on comments.
Britney, BY FAR, the is most "nasty, vile, disgusting hateful person" in the BB house. she doesn't stop talking about people behind their back. I cannot wait unil she goes out next week. Also I can't wait to see her face when Brendon wins 25G of AC since she thinks America hates Brenchal. wat a misrable witch at that age!!!
If you don't like Britney, don't watch a youtube tribute about Britney. What do you think, you are going to find a bunch of other people commenting on that video that don't like her too? Do you think Brendon is going to go onto youtube search Britney Tribute Videos, see your comment and praise you for it. That last one is borderline creepy if you ask me. I actually think that the only possible comparison is basically you think your relationship is going to be like Bellatrix Lestrange and Lord Voldemort but really your more like Peter Pettigrew but this time around Voldemort if possible cares less about you and actually doesn't want to kill Harry so you effort is pointless.
But it is the same vice versa so I'm not really defending either sides. But always remember who killed Bellatrix in the end. (If you don't understand what I'm saying, which I hope dear god you do or I just wasted some great harry potter references, look at number 5 here)
This was probably unnecessary but it seemed right to get the point across.
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