Thursday, July 29, 2010

Britney is great.

So Everyone has a favorite and this season, mine is Britney. This girl is the most sarcastic, quick witted, hilarious, big brother contestant I have ever seen. Let's be real, this season would be boring as hell if she wasn't there. Let's go through some of Britney's Highlights in the past 3 weeks

1) Britney vs. Old Britney

I find this to be so funny. Basically Britney has come up with this character, Old Britney. So every once in awhile Britney and Ragan will say something that Britney does and then something that the evil "Old Britney" would do. For example. "Britney Can't wait to see Matt's HOH room. Old Britney can't wait to destroy Matt's HOH room!!!"

2) Nick and Nicole

Another Character Britney has created. She has come up with this girl, Nicole, that her fiance, Nick, is cheating on her with. She has this whole back story for this girl and it is so hilarious.
Video coming soon.

3) Greatest Goodbye Message in Big Brother History

Britney managed to do the greatest goodbye message ever to her best friend Monet. She is crying hysterically and is like I'm going miss talking to you about how high waisted Kristen's pants are, how skanky rachel dresses, how annoying her laugh is, and all the things that they can do with her hair extensions. You can't really beat that.

There are plenty more and more to come.

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