Brendon then storms over to the house. Like he was heated. So he starts yelling at Ragan for hurting Rachel and Britney and Ragan finally lashed out at him. They finally say everything to his face. Britney starts laughing hysterically as Brendon is screaming Fuck You. You're a douche. Ragan called him a neanderthal and Brendon says first of all it's a ne-ander-tal and everyone laughed at him because he is just an idiot. Then Britney walks off. Brendon then follows her and starts yelling at her. They get into a huge fight and it get's actually personal. Brendon said "what are you going to do 3 foot nothing" and stuff about how nick is banging other girls while she is here so she finally gets up in his face and stands up for herself. Brendon then goes inside and Britney yells at him through the door then closes it. Britney does end up crying because she doesn't like confrontation, which she has said many times in the past. She did a great job though. I was proud to be a Britney fan after that.
The house is still going to vote out Rachel but make Brendon think like he is leaving. They want to see him miserable after what he did to Britney. He would rather go home over Rachel and he is going to get a rude awakening when he find out he is staying.
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