Houseguests: Brendon, Britney, Enzo, Hayden, Kathy, Lane, Matt, Rachel, Ragan
HOH: Rachel
POV: Britney
Nominees: Hayden and Kristen
So it starts with a recap of the veto ceremony. A couple of DRs. Hayden didn't really know what happened. Britney said Kristen and Hayden looked pissed but she couldn't risk Lane going up. Rachel says that the reason she told Britney she would put up Lane was to make sure it wasn't used. She didn't want to make a super alliance with Kristen and Hayden. Kristen is devastated. She knows that one of them is definitely going home and it sucks.
Brendon and Rachel talk in the BY. They said they were happy because they are breaking up a strong alliance. Hayden comes outside and says there are no hard feelings and he knew he was safe. In the DR, Hayden says he is definitely safe because he has the brigade's votes and Brendon's votes.
Enzo and Britney talk in the backyard. Britney is explaining to Enzo about how Rachel threatened that she would put Lane up. Enzo get's really pissed and says he is definitely gunning after them now. We then cut to Hayden Kristen and Kathy in the Taj. Britney walks in. Kathy leaves so the three of them can talk. Britney apologizes and told them what Rachel did. So they aren't mad at Britney. Kristen says in the DR that she wants to rip Rachel's head off. They had the perfect plan and Rachel purposely derailed it. After Britney leaves, Hayden and Kristen continue to talk. Hayden tells her to fight. Kristen is crying and saying she hasn't regretted anything she has done so far in this game and if she didn't fight, she would regret it. Hayden said he wouldn't be mad if she campaigned against him and tells her that everything is going to be alright. In the DR, Kristen says while crying that she wants to fight because she is not ready to go home. Says it's bad being up against him but she has to fight.
Then we cut to one of the greatest moments this season. Play time with Rachel's hair extensions!!! Matt, Ragan, and Britney are hanging out in the HOH room while Rachel and Brendon were downstairs. Britney asks Matt to pass her one of Rachel's extensions and then her and Matt put them. IN the DR Britney says "of course you can't hang out in Rachel's HOH room without making fun of her". Britney goes into a full blown "let's make fun of rachel" hilarious impersonation time. She starts talking in this high pitched voice and imitates the floaters get your life vest fight and "who wants to see my HOH room?" and other various things. Then Rachel and Brendon come in. Britney reaction was like a 3 year old who is playing with their mom's make up and then she walks in the room. IN DR Britney says "BUSTED." She doesn't want to be on rachel's bad side. Rachel instead doesn't get the fact that they are making fun of her and finds it hilarious. She says in DR that "making fun of someone is the highest form of flattery"
Then we get into a whole segment about Kristen suspecting an alliance between Hayden, Enzo, and Lane. She use this in her campaigning talks to Ragan, Britney, and Brendon. None of them really buy it. They all think it is possible but they don't think there is a real alliance going on right now.
Question time with Julie:
Hayden, are you sad that you gave away the unitard? Hayden thinks that he should have taken the 5 grand. Says that solitary confinement is brutal but Kristen looks better than he would. Julie agrees. Says that Kristen gives Jen a run for her money.
Ask Enzo what he was doing during the Luxury comp because it looks a little too close for comfort. He says he was really amped up and he knew they had won
Asked Britney who the most difficult houseguest to live with was. Brit said Ragan because he was gassy. She said Ragan was funny and great but it smelled really bad. Julie asked Ragan what he had to say for himself. Since you can't expect ragan to say something appropriate when asked a question of course he said that most of the farts come from Britney's legs. Julie was like okay conversation over.
Then we have talks with Hayden's Mom and Kristen's Friend and now ex-boyfriend. Hayden's mom doesn't like Kristen because she thinks that Kristen doesn't really like him and is clouding his head. She wants her gone so Hayden would focus more on the game. Kristen's friends are shocked that she is making out with Hayden because she has a boyfriend. Kristen's boyfriend (well ex-boyfrined) feels betrayed and disgusted.
Julie goes and talk to Rachel in HOH room. Rachel is hoping to pull Britney into her alliance with Brendon. Says Kristen came after her and that's why she is up, Matt's her next target, and the honeymoon phase is over with her in Brendon but that shows they are in a "real relationship"
Time for eviction. Kristen is evicted with a vote 6-1 (Kathy votes to keep Kristen). In the goodbye messages, Rachel kept up with her standard "come between me and my man" and Hayden revealed the brigade to Kristen but said he would choose her over the brigade.
Ragan is chosen as the new saboteur. He will be unleashed if the HOH opens Pandora's box.
HoH comp is called True Colors. They have to stand on a paint bucket and it spins. Whoever lasts the longest is HOH. First one off is the only have not for the week.
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