Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I didn't realize how sad it would be...

Well I just watched tonights episode of big brother and it was surprisingly depressing. I saw the reveal of the brigade when it happened an I knew Britney was evicted yesterday. There was nothing that was incredibly new to me at all in this episode. Though last night when I heard Britney was evicted, I was like whatever it is Season 12: Who gives a flying fuck? But watching it all happen, I definitely teared up at some points. Maybe it was seeing Britney so distraught in the DR that did it, IDK. It was weird. I just feel awful for her. She was played by the brigade really bad. But deep down I thought she really knew she wasn't with the guys. I didn't think this was a surprise to her. Oh I don't know. This blog post is stupid but i'm posting it anyway. Still no news on the who the won part one of the final HOH. Feeds should be back up in 2 or so hours...we will know then.

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