Thursday, August 12, 2010

This is going to be a crappy week.

Well Brendon won HOH. I'm pissed. This was not supposed to happen. I'm so angry. Britney, Matt, and Ragan are obviously the Have-nots for the week since Brendon got to choose. Ugh I'm so angry. I don't want Britney nominated but it is most likely going to happen. Stupid Brendon.


Anonymous said...

with the diamond power of veto can the hoh be put up? this really sucks

Unknown said...

I really hope that he can put up ANYONE, with the DPOV (yn)

Am I the only one who feels after Brendon goes home and I guess Kathy, that I don't really want any of the others to go. I truly really like everyone who's in the house minus Brendon of course. He's such a douche lol