The episode starts off with the house guests walking in from the HOH competition to see the Sumo wrestler sitting in the living room. They continually stare at it for awhile until Dan notice an envelope that the sumo wrestler is sitting on. When the sumo wrestler stands up, Dan quickly grabs it before he sat back down again. The letter told them about a luxury competition that was happening the next day with the prize being a trip out of the house that could change the game. They were so excited. They had several ideas which were said in the DR. Memphis thought it would be a sushi Dinner. Jerry thought it would be a trip to a tea house. Keesha thought it would be a trip to a show. Dan thought they were going to Japan. Jerry also thought that they would be a trip to Vegas.
Next Keesha, Dan, and Memphis talk. They are all upset that Jerry is still there. They know they have to win POV. Keesha was wearing some weird glasses. If anyone knows what's up with those PLEASE enlighten me. Next was Keesha crying outside. I feel so bad for her. She said in the diary room that she really missed Renny and this was the first time that she seriously felt alone in the house. She knows that Dan and Memphis have each others back and she really has no one at this point. Next Jerry and Memphis talk outside. Memphis says it is going to be an interesting couple of days. Jerry said they had to get rid of Keesha because if a woman was in final 2, they would win. Then they had a little segment on Ted. If you haven't heard about him, Ted is there pet spider. They showed them feeding the moth to Ted. Keesha freaked out. She said “I can’t believe you did something like that Ass” It was so funny. The Spider literally destroyed that moth. After that we saw Dan's HOH room. He had a lot of pictures of Monica and a note from his dad. Jerry called him fat which was pretty funny.
Next they showed the Luxury competition. They were awoken by a Gorilla that just happened to be Jessie. So funny. The gorilla led them outside to the backyard where loads of objects were outside. Clues are used to find the hidden phrase. Some of the clues are have nothing to do with the phrase and will be covered up one by one as the game goes on. They each have 3 guesses and 3 hours to make them. They will not know who wins till the 3 hours are up. Jerry's guesses were hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil, diamonds are a girls best friend, A dog is a man’s best friend. Keesha's guesses where sleeping dogs lie, Blew it. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Memphis's guess was Fruitless exit (dear lord). Dan's guess was Bury the Hatchet and that was correct. He won a trip to a private beach and could take a house guest or a jury member. He decided to take a Jury member and take michelle. Dan tells the houseguest that he was going to private beach but he did not tell them he was taking michelle. He tells them that he is going by himself though he had an option to take one of the current house guests. Jerry thinks that something is up because going by himself was not a very "Dan" thing to do.
Dan and Memphis talk. They were deciding who should go up on the block. They really didn't want to put Keesha on the block because it would really hurt her so they thought it would better to put up Memphis and Jerry. It would also hide their alliance. That is what ended up happening in nominations.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Series of Hooter's Events and other things about being drunk
So tonight the final 4 were having conversations about beer and drinking and more beer and more drinking. Everyone is telling stories about big things of beer at bars they no of. My favorite was Memphis's. This bar near him mixes beer, tequila, vodka, gin, etc. into a big bucket and serves it to you with straws in it. Part of me thinks that is dangerous but it is still rather interesting. Keesha was talking about this place she went to where they filled fish bowls with beer. Memphis also was saying that another bar near him sells pitchers of any alcoholic beverages to go. Also quite dangerous in my opinion. Keesha responded by saying at Hooters, they aren't allowed to serve a pitcher of beer if there is only one person.
I think I learn so much about Hooters on this show from Keesha. There is aparently this crazy guy that goes to the Hooters that Keesha works at every day and orders the same thing. They apparently call him Lemony Snicket. I did not catch why they call him that to. Probably because he is crazy. She said that he was one of those crazy smart people. Also he only lets black people wait on him. Weird...
Dan and Keesha talked about drunk driving as well. Dan said that he was sort of irresponsible with alcohol in high school but he never drove drunk. He thought there was to much to risk doing that. Keesha said she doesn't do it anymore or at least tries not to. She says its easy to just get a cab in LA. She was saying how there weren't like any cabs in Ohio because she was in the middle of nowhere. I think that implies that she did some drinking and driving when younger. tsk tsk Keesha tsk tsk.
They told more stories but I'm not going to go through all of them. The big brother house is not really exciting with just 4 people. It is sad that the most exciting thing is Keesha's Hooters stories.
I think I learn so much about Hooters on this show from Keesha. There is aparently this crazy guy that goes to the Hooters that Keesha works at every day and orders the same thing. They apparently call him Lemony Snicket. I did not catch why they call him that to. Probably because he is crazy. She said that he was one of those crazy smart people. Also he only lets black people wait on him. Weird...
Dan and Keesha talked about drunk driving as well. Dan said that he was sort of irresponsible with alcohol in high school but he never drove drunk. He thought there was to much to risk doing that. Keesha said she doesn't do it anymore or at least tries not to. She says its easy to just get a cab in LA. She was saying how there weren't like any cabs in Ohio because she was in the middle of nowhere. I think that implies that she did some drinking and driving when younger. tsk tsk Keesha tsk tsk.
They told more stories but I'm not going to go through all of them. The big brother house is not really exciting with just 4 people. It is sad that the most exciting thing is Keesha's Hooters stories.
Big Brother,
Friday, September 5, 2008
Today has been such a crazy day in the Big Brother house. I have edited the two luxury competition posts a billion times! It is official that no one really knows what is going on in the house today. Dan says his prize is a trip to private beach but there is stuff wrong with this. The card said that the prize would impact the game and I don't see how that would impact the game. He said to the house guests that he could pick someone to go with him but he chose not to bring anyone. It appears that it is a lie because Dan would have no reason to not take Keesha or Memphis with him. There is speculation that the private beach is a trip to the jury house. There is also speculation that Michelle is involved in this whole thing. Dan said in the HOH bathroom that he was going to try to sway michelle's vote.
Right now everything is just speculation and nobody is probably going to know anything till sunday. Dan is aparently not allowed to talk about the prize anymore either. They held him in the Diary room for quite a long time. So for now everyone is just confused.
Kudos to Big Brother to turning a quite dull day into madness and confusion for the viewers.
Right now everything is just speculation and nobody is probably going to know anything till sunday. Dan is aparently not allowed to talk about the prize anymore either. They held him in the Diary room for quite a long time. So for now everyone is just confused.
Kudos to Big Brother to turning a quite dull day into madness and confusion for the viewers.
Big Brother,
Luxury Competition part 2
So the luxury competition ended and Dan won. I haven't figured out what the actual answer was but I will post it when I find out. Dan says that his prize is a trip to a private beach and that is all production would tell him. He also said that he was allowed to bring someone but apparently he has chose to not bring anyone at all because he didn't want to create any animosity in the house.
There is definitely something they are not telling us/them. But when does BB tell anyone anything. So many twists.
There is definitely something they are not telling us/them. But when does BB tell anyone anything. So many twists.
Big Brother,
Luxury Competition!!!!!
So I mentioned the Luxury Competition in a post earlier today. After the gorilla brought them outside, they saw a bunch of items and performers. They have 3 chances to guess what everything means. If they think they know, they go to the diary room to and guess. Whoever gets it right wins the prize. With every wrong guess, the gorilla covers up an item making it out of play for the game.
I haven't been able to figure out what it means and it appears that none of the house guests have figured it out yet either. It appears that Jerry is out and Keesha has used 2 or 3 of her guesses, Dan has used 2 and Memphis has used none.

It is believed that the phrase is Bury the hatchet. That would be the only one that would make sense anyway since most of the other items were covered up. Keesha ran in around 11:55 BBT for her final guess and so maybe she thinks she has it. Dan thinks he might of got it early on but he does use up is 3rd guess when there was 5 minutes remaining in the competition. Memphis still doesn't use any of his. I think Keesha probably won but I'm not sure.
I haven't been able to figure out what it means and it appears that none of the house guests have figured it out yet either. It appears that Jerry is out and Keesha has used 2 or 3 of her guesses, Dan has used 2 and Memphis has used none.
It is believed that the phrase is Bury the hatchet. That would be the only one that would make sense anyway since most of the other items were covered up. Keesha ran in around 11:55 BBT for her final guess and so maybe she thinks she has it. Dan thinks he might of got it early on but he does use up is 3rd guess when there was 5 minutes remaining in the competition. Memphis still doesn't use any of his. I think Keesha probably won but I'm not sure.
What about stop that do you not understand?
Big brother got mad at Dan last night. The crew was restocking the storage room and Dan could hear them talking so he was listening in on their conversations. It was hilarious. They kept saying Dan, stop that but of course Dan doesn't. They don't show it in this clip but Big brother finally was liked DAN WHAT PART OF STOP THAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? So funny.
Big Brother,
So the Big Brother houseguests were awoken this morning by a guy in a gorilla suit. It is the craziest thing ever. I'm assuming this is involving the Luxury competition since the gorilla leads them outside.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
"We were just talking about sumo wrestlers" (9/4 Recap)
Final 5: Jerry, Keesha, Renny, Memphis and Dan
HOH: Jerry
Veto: Memphis (Used to save Dan)
Nominated: Keesha and Renny
So this episode starts off with a conversation Memphis and Dan about Jerry. Memphis feels bad about the whole situation and wonders if Jerry is going to be really pissed off at him. Next they show Keesha and Jerry talking about Dan and Memphis. Jerry tells Keesha that Memphis has a deal with everyone in the house and that she should not trust Memphis and Dan. Then they show Renny and Keesha having a conversation about Dan and Memphis. Keesha wonders if Memphis is taking Dan to the end. Renny says that she thinks so because he had to have a good reason to take Dan off the block. Next Dan and Jerry talk. Jerry tells Dan that Memphis is only taking Dan to the end because he can win against him. He also tries to convince Dan to keep him for final 3. Next they show Dan and Keesha talking in the storage room. Both of them say that Jerry has come and talked to them individually. Memphis walks in shortly after and they tell Memphis that Jerry has talked to them. Keesha tells Memphis that Jerry says that Memphis has deals with everyone in the house. Memphis says to both of them that they no that he doesn't and it isn't true. Memphis is afraid that Keesha might believe Jerry. In a later conversation, Dan says "We have to be careful with her." The next conversation was between Renny and Keesha. They were getting all emotional and crying. They were saying how they would miss each other and were never going to forget each other and etc.
Next they had a segment on Memphis and his girlfriend Ashley. It was quite boring so I'm not even going to talk about it.
Next Julie talked to the houseguests. They show the clip of Jerry falling into the pool and everyone laughs hysterically except for Keesha. Kesha makes this "Oh my god I have never met someone so dumb" face. She looked like she was in shock. Julie asks Jerry if he is alright and Jerry says he is fine but he just looked really stupid. After, Julie asks Dan what is it about Renny that brings out “the prankster” in him. Dan says that he jokes around with his Mom a lot and Renny is like his mom in the house. He said it would probably an insult if he didn't do what he does and the more he teases her, the more he shows he cares about her. Julie asks Renny if she is more annoyed by Dan’s antics or amused. Renny says that she enjoys it and it is all in good fun.
After, Julie talks to Jerry in the HOH room. She asks Jerry what made him trust Memphis enough to form a deal with him. Jerry said that he was running out of people and he has tried to make deals with the other three people in the house as well. Julie also asked who he would want to go to final 2 with. He says Keesha for strategic reasons.
Next was the Jury House segment. It wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be. It could be because I hate everyone in the Jury house. Most of the conversation they showed was April and Michelle bashing Keesha. Though April said the funniest thing when she was talking about how she wanted to see Keesha in the Jury house. "Hopefully there won’t be any bedrooms available and she will have to sleep outside" So mean but so funny!
Next was the live eviction. Renny and Keesha give their speeches. Dan and Memphis both vote and Renny is evicted by a vote of 2-0. They all say goodbye to Renny and she leaves the house. Keesha seems really upset. She says that was the hardest person for her to watch leave. They go to outside the house where Julie is talking to Renny. Julie asks Renny why she thought that she was sitting there instead of Keesha. Renny says that it is because she didn't win POV and a couple of other reasons. They show her goodbye messages. My favorite was Dan's. After that it was bye bye Renny.
Next was the HOH competition. The competition was called 'Freeze Frame.' o The houseguests were given pictures of past competitions a few days and were shown to them again right before the competition. The competition was Julie would ask them questions about the pictures and they would have to step forward if they thought it was true and back if they thought it was false. The person who got the most right is the new HOH. I'm not going to go through all the questions because I'm tired but I might add them in later. The end score was Memphis 6, Keesha 2, and Dan 7 meaning Dan was the new HOH. I wish Keesha did a better job in this competition. I love Keesha but it was kind of embarassing how bad she did.
The house guests were then surprised when they walked back in the house. There was a sumo wrestler sitting on this weird thing in the middle of the living room. He started talking in a foreign language say "I'm sitting on the information you need." When the episode ended, they had not figured it out yet.
HOH: Jerry
Veto: Memphis (Used to save Dan)
Nominated: Keesha and Renny
So this episode starts off with a conversation Memphis and Dan about Jerry. Memphis feels bad about the whole situation and wonders if Jerry is going to be really pissed off at him. Next they show Keesha and Jerry talking about Dan and Memphis. Jerry tells Keesha that Memphis has a deal with everyone in the house and that she should not trust Memphis and Dan. Then they show Renny and Keesha having a conversation about Dan and Memphis. Keesha wonders if Memphis is taking Dan to the end. Renny says that she thinks so because he had to have a good reason to take Dan off the block. Next Dan and Jerry talk. Jerry tells Dan that Memphis is only taking Dan to the end because he can win against him. He also tries to convince Dan to keep him for final 3. Next they show Dan and Keesha talking in the storage room. Both of them say that Jerry has come and talked to them individually. Memphis walks in shortly after and they tell Memphis that Jerry has talked to them. Keesha tells Memphis that Jerry says that Memphis has deals with everyone in the house. Memphis says to both of them that they no that he doesn't and it isn't true. Memphis is afraid that Keesha might believe Jerry. In a later conversation, Dan says "We have to be careful with her." The next conversation was between Renny and Keesha. They were getting all emotional and crying. They were saying how they would miss each other and were never going to forget each other and etc.
Next they had a segment on Memphis and his girlfriend Ashley. It was quite boring so I'm not even going to talk about it.
Next Julie talked to the houseguests. They show the clip of Jerry falling into the pool and everyone laughs hysterically except for Keesha. Kesha makes this "Oh my god I have never met someone so dumb" face. She looked like she was in shock. Julie asks Jerry if he is alright and Jerry says he is fine but he just looked really stupid. After, Julie asks Dan what is it about Renny that brings out “the prankster” in him. Dan says that he jokes around with his Mom a lot and Renny is like his mom in the house. He said it would probably an insult if he didn't do what he does and the more he teases her, the more he shows he cares about her. Julie asks Renny if she is more annoyed by Dan’s antics or amused. Renny says that she enjoys it and it is all in good fun.
After, Julie talks to Jerry in the HOH room. She asks Jerry what made him trust Memphis enough to form a deal with him. Jerry said that he was running out of people and he has tried to make deals with the other three people in the house as well. Julie also asked who he would want to go to final 2 with. He says Keesha for strategic reasons.
Next was the Jury House segment. It wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be. It could be because I hate everyone in the Jury house. Most of the conversation they showed was April and Michelle bashing Keesha. Though April said the funniest thing when she was talking about how she wanted to see Keesha in the Jury house. "Hopefully there won’t be any bedrooms available and she will have to sleep outside" So mean but so funny!
Next was the live eviction. Renny and Keesha give their speeches. Dan and Memphis both vote and Renny is evicted by a vote of 2-0. They all say goodbye to Renny and she leaves the house. Keesha seems really upset. She says that was the hardest person for her to watch leave. They go to outside the house where Julie is talking to Renny. Julie asks Renny why she thought that she was sitting there instead of Keesha. Renny says that it is because she didn't win POV and a couple of other reasons. They show her goodbye messages. My favorite was Dan's. After that it was bye bye Renny.
Next was the HOH competition. The competition was called 'Freeze Frame.' o The houseguests were given pictures of past competitions a few days and were shown to them again right before the competition. The competition was Julie would ask them questions about the pictures and they would have to step forward if they thought it was true and back if they thought it was false. The person who got the most right is the new HOH. I'm not going to go through all the questions because I'm tired but I might add them in later. The end score was Memphis 6, Keesha 2, and Dan 7 meaning Dan was the new HOH. I wish Keesha did a better job in this competition. I love Keesha but it was kind of embarassing how bad she did.
The house guests were then surprised when they walked back in the house. There was a sumo wrestler sitting on this weird thing in the middle of the living room. He started talking in a foreign language say "I'm sitting on the information you need." When the episode ended, they had not figured it out yet.
Big Brother,
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I miss Steven
This is so random but I feel I need to take a moment acknowledge my favorite evicted person this season, Steven. He is SO hilarious.
Steven Quotes:
Brian: "How do I paint a muu-muu on here?"
Steven: "Use a dental dam."
Steven: "I like to fuck too much to get married."
Big Brother: You Are Not Allowed To Talk About Production!
Steven: Can we talk about what a shithole this house is!? Is that production!?
Steven: Suck it, bitches!
Steven Quotes:
Brian: "How do I paint a muu-muu on here?"
Steven: "Use a dental dam."
Steven: "I like to fuck too much to get married."
Steven after seeing Angie in a lovely sweater type dress: "I think I'm straight now!"
Big Brother: You Are Not Allowed To Talk About Production!
Steven: Can we talk about what a shithole this house is!? Is that production!?
Steven: "I haven't went three nights without drinking since I was like 12."
Steven: Suck it, bitches!
Big Brother,
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Veto, Veto, and More Veto (9/2 Recap)
Final 5: Jerry, Renny, Keesha, Dan, Memphis
HOH: Jerry
Nominated: Keesha and Dan
The episode starts off with a lot of conversations about the Power of Veto. The first is between Dan and Keesha. You can tell they are both slightly nervous about the competition tomorrow since they know that for all 4 of them, the only way they can secure there stay in the house is to win the power of veto. Dan also asks Keesha if she knew if anyone had made a deal with Jerry. Keesha said that she didn't know. The next conversation was between Jerry and Dan. Dan tells Jerry that there is no hard feelings. Jerry explains himself and told him it had to be done. They talk about how POV is so crucial and that nobody in the house feels safe right now. Jerry and Renny talked after that. Again, they discussed how crucial POV was. Then Renny and Keesha talk. They are both really nervous and I think Renny was more nervous than Keesha. Keesha thinks she shouldn't be as nervous because she isn't going home and Renny thinks Keesha shouldn't be nervous at all because no matter what she isn't going home. Renny was a little paranoid in my opinion though and she did not need to be paranoid at that time. Keesha says that it is just going to be crazy from here on out.
They next segment was about my personal favorite Big Brother moment, Jerry falling into the pool! I posted about this earlier but I will explain it again. Memphis and Dan are sitting outside and the three of them were looking at what was going on in the sky. Jerry is walking backwards and he walks straight into the pool. In a diary room session, Dan says that he is not usually the person who will laugh in other people's expense but that had to have been the funniest moment for him on Big Brother. He says the pool has been there for 60 days and it is not like the pool moved or anything. He should know where the pool is by now.
Next, Memphis checks in with Jerry, Keesha and Dan about his final 2 agreements. He knows he has to keep them all intact. He currently has them all believing that they are going to take them to the end and all of them had said that they would take him to the end. Memphis said in the DR that he was not sure who he was taking to the end just yet. I would assume he would take Dan unless Dan does something really stupid but right now it seems like he is still unsure. I believe that all three of them would take him to the end though so Memphis has most like secured a spot in the final 2.
The next segment was about how Dan LOVES to aggrivate Renny. It starts off with Dan being SUCH a creeper and standing over Renny. Renny is just like "What the hell are you doing!?!?" Next it goes to Dan mimicking everything Renny did or said. It was so hilarious and Renny was SO pissed off. Dan's goal is to annoy Renny to the point where it throws her off her game and he is definitely succeeding with that. Memphis and Dan think she over sensitive about some of the things Dan does though. They agree that she needs to go on the block and get out of the house
Next is the POV competition. The name of this POV competition was Rock-a-bye Veto. What happened in this competition was that two houseguests faces were combined to form a baby. The goal was to figure out who were the “parents” of the 6 babies in the fastest time. So the houseguests were split into there seperate rooms and they each went outside to do the competition individiually. The 6 babies were April and Dan, Keesha and Steven, Michelle and Jerry, Libra and Memphis, Renny and Jessie, and Angie and Brian. Memphis, Dan, Jerry, and Keesha all did a good job at this competition but Renny did not. Renny couldn't figure out the Michelle and Jerry baby, which was by far the easiest baby of all of them. Renny got Michelle but she was convinced that the male was not Jerry so she tried everyone else and was still convinced it wasn't Jerry so she wouldn't bring him over there. Eventually she just ended up doing it though. I don't understand why she thought it wasn't Jerry. Nobody else is bald with white hair and has wrinkles galore. It didn't make sense to me. She ended up with a time of 23: 32. As far as the other times go, Jerry got 8:01, Keesha got 5:16, Dan got 2:58, and Memphis won with a time of 2:50.
Memphis needed to do a second check-in with Dan, Jerry, and Keesha to make sure his final 2 plans are still good to go. He first talks to Dan. He tells Dan that he is indeed planning to take him off the block but he is expecting stuff in return. He tells Dan straight up that he has to stop with his crazy antics or he is not going to take him off. He also has to not put Memphis up if he is HOH. Dan agrees to all of this and the Renegades are still intact for Final 2. He then talks to Keesha and tells her that she is not going home. He tells her that Renny is going to be going on the block up against her which makes her really nervous because her safety in the house now in the hands of Dan. Memphis assures her that Dan is going to vote her to say as well as himself but she is still nervous because she never really knows if she can trust Dan. Memphis says that Dan is going to keep her because he knows that he will be alone in this house if Keesha goes home. After this Memphis is talking to Jerry. Jerry wants Dan to go home really bad. He thinks that he could see Dan winning the game but he can't see Renny winning the game so they should get Dan out now and deal with Renny later. It is pretty much implied that there will no longer be a final two agreement between them if Memphis takes Dan off the block.
Next is the veto ceremony. Memphis takes Dan off the block as expected and Renny goes up.
HOH: Jerry
Nominated: Keesha and Dan
The episode starts off with a lot of conversations about the Power of Veto. The first is between Dan and Keesha. You can tell they are both slightly nervous about the competition tomorrow since they know that for all 4 of them, the only way they can secure there stay in the house is to win the power of veto. Dan also asks Keesha if she knew if anyone had made a deal with Jerry. Keesha said that she didn't know. The next conversation was between Jerry and Dan. Dan tells Jerry that there is no hard feelings. Jerry explains himself and told him it had to be done. They talk about how POV is so crucial and that nobody in the house feels safe right now. Jerry and Renny talked after that. Again, they discussed how crucial POV was. Then Renny and Keesha talk. They are both really nervous and I think Renny was more nervous than Keesha. Keesha thinks she shouldn't be as nervous because she isn't going home and Renny thinks Keesha shouldn't be nervous at all because no matter what she isn't going home. Renny was a little paranoid in my opinion though and she did not need to be paranoid at that time. Keesha says that it is just going to be crazy from here on out.
They next segment was about my personal favorite Big Brother moment, Jerry falling into the pool! I posted about this earlier but I will explain it again. Memphis and Dan are sitting outside and the three of them were looking at what was going on in the sky. Jerry is walking backwards and he walks straight into the pool. In a diary room session, Dan says that he is not usually the person who will laugh in other people's expense but that had to have been the funniest moment for him on Big Brother. He says the pool has been there for 60 days and it is not like the pool moved or anything. He should know where the pool is by now.
Next, Memphis checks in with Jerry, Keesha and Dan about his final 2 agreements. He knows he has to keep them all intact. He currently has them all believing that they are going to take them to the end and all of them had said that they would take him to the end. Memphis said in the DR that he was not sure who he was taking to the end just yet. I would assume he would take Dan unless Dan does something really stupid but right now it seems like he is still unsure. I believe that all three of them would take him to the end though so Memphis has most like secured a spot in the final 2.
The next segment was about how Dan LOVES to aggrivate Renny. It starts off with Dan being SUCH a creeper and standing over Renny. Renny is just like "What the hell are you doing!?!?" Next it goes to Dan mimicking everything Renny did or said. It was so hilarious and Renny was SO pissed off. Dan's goal is to annoy Renny to the point where it throws her off her game and he is definitely succeeding with that. Memphis and Dan think she over sensitive about some of the things Dan does though. They agree that she needs to go on the block and get out of the house
Next is the POV competition. The name of this POV competition was Rock-a-bye Veto. What happened in this competition was that two houseguests faces were combined to form a baby. The goal was to figure out who were the “parents” of the 6 babies in the fastest time. So the houseguests were split into there seperate rooms and they each went outside to do the competition individiually. The 6 babies were April and Dan, Keesha and Steven, Michelle and Jerry, Libra and Memphis, Renny and Jessie, and Angie and Brian. Memphis, Dan, Jerry, and Keesha all did a good job at this competition but Renny did not. Renny couldn't figure out the Michelle and Jerry baby, which was by far the easiest baby of all of them. Renny got Michelle but she was convinced that the male was not Jerry so she tried everyone else and was still convinced it wasn't Jerry so she wouldn't bring him over there. Eventually she just ended up doing it though. I don't understand why she thought it wasn't Jerry. Nobody else is bald with white hair and has wrinkles galore. It didn't make sense to me. She ended up with a time of 23: 32. As far as the other times go, Jerry got 8:01, Keesha got 5:16, Dan got 2:58, and Memphis won with a time of 2:50.
Memphis needed to do a second check-in with Dan, Jerry, and Keesha to make sure his final 2 plans are still good to go. He first talks to Dan. He tells Dan that he is indeed planning to take him off the block but he is expecting stuff in return. He tells Dan straight up that he has to stop with his crazy antics or he is not going to take him off. He also has to not put Memphis up if he is HOH. Dan agrees to all of this and the Renegades are still intact for Final 2. He then talks to Keesha and tells her that she is not going home. He tells her that Renny is going to be going on the block up against her which makes her really nervous because her safety in the house now in the hands of Dan. Memphis assures her that Dan is going to vote her to say as well as himself but she is still nervous because she never really knows if she can trust Dan. Memphis says that Dan is going to keep her because he knows that he will be alone in this house if Keesha goes home. After this Memphis is talking to Jerry. Jerry wants Dan to go home really bad. He thinks that he could see Dan winning the game but he can't see Renny winning the game so they should get Dan out now and deal with Renny later. It is pretty much implied that there will no longer be a final two agreement between them if Memphis takes Dan off the block.
Next is the veto ceremony. Memphis takes Dan off the block as expected and Renny goes up.
Big Brother,
I made this video today. It is hilarious. It highlights all the fighting between Libra, Keesha, Michelle, and April. Keesha is the craziest by far.
Haha oh Renny!
So Renny smothered Dan with a bean bag chair. It was SO hilarious. Apparently Jerry rubbed his boogers on this bean bag chair so its is also kind of gross.
Big Brother,
Happy Birthday Dan!
They are finally celebrating Dan's birthday. They baked Dan a football cake. It is really cute not going to lie. Dan and Memphis are telling Renny and Keesha about the moth and the Spider. Keesha said, "Why would you do that shit," and I totally agree with her on that one. What is so entertaining about feeding a moth to a spider?
Memphis is saying that his is the first football cake in big brother history and Renny is acting like she doesn't believe him. Who else would make a football cake on big brother?
Memphis is saying that his is the first football cake in big brother history and Renny is acting like she doesn't believe him. Who else would make a football cake on big brother?
Big Brother,
Memphis and Dan: Big Brother's bug catchers!
So I'm watching Big Brother: After Dark and some weird things are going on in the house. Memphis, Dan, and Jerry have discovered this spider on a web outside. I know I would freak out if I saw that thing. It is a HUGE spider. They have decided that they are going to feed the spider other bugs. Why are they doing this, I have no idea but they are running around chasing a stupid moth. It is actually kind of hilarious. The have been failing at catching the moth so they found a bee on the hammock. They through the bee at the web but that didn't work out to well. They are now back to chasing the moth. Dan almost caught it at one point but they have not been successful as of now. Some things that happen in that house I will never understand.
9:49 BBT: Memphis successfully catches the moth and throws it on to the web. They are currently watching the spider do things with the moth. It is crazy. I still don't understand what is so interesting about this but whatever keeps them entertained...
That video is from when they first catch a moth about an hour and a half earlier. I can't believe they seriously did this for an hour and a half.
Big Brother,
Monday, September 1, 2008
This was so hilarious. I mean like legitimately one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Renny has gone crazy it is SO funny. Memphis and Dan are so mean to Renny but it is so funny. I love the Keesha "squeals" in the background. She wasn't even getting attacked but she still squealed constantly.
Time Zones, Hyena Laughs, Sleep Walking and the Story Of Hissy (8/31 Recap)
Final 5: Jerry, Keesha, Dan, Memphis, and Renny
Starts off the show with a nice conversation between Dan, Renny, and Memphis. Dan decided to ask Renny what time it was in New Orleans. Renny said 6:00 when it was really 10:00 there. Renny flipped out when Dan and Memphis were laughing at her and stuck with her belief that it was indeed 6:00 in New Orleans. She eventually figured it out but it was quite amusing watching her make a fool of herself. That crazy woman never knows what she is talking about!
Next was a little segment on Keesha's laugh. They showed several clips of it and the houseguests making fun of it. Along with that there were Diary Room Sessions of all the houseguests immitating her laugh. It was ABSOLUTELY hilarious. Well not all of them, Jerry's sucked. He can't get his voice that high so he just sounded like he was choking on something and could die right then and there.
After that was the HOH competition. It was an interesting competition in my opinion. I would have SUCKED at it. The host, Keesha, would say an event that happened in the Big Brother house and the houseguests had to determine which number day it happened. The way they picked their number was by playing a skeeball like game. They had to roll the ball up to the number that they wanted and hope it landed where they wanted it to which didn't always happen. For everyday off they were from the correct date, they would earn a penalty point. The HOH was the person with the least ammount of penalty points after 7 questions. Dan had the lead the entire game till question 6. Question 6 was: Which day was Jesse Evicted from the Big Brother house. Dan rolled it towards 30, which is what he thought it was and it went there but then it rolled down a couple numbers. By a couple, I mean 11. After that Jerry took the lead. On the last question, which was how many lollipops did America give the Big Brother houseguests, Dan got it perfect but he still lost HOH to Jerry by 2 penalty points. WORST CASE SCENERIO.
After that they showed Jerry's HOH room. He had a bunch of new pictures of his family etc. etc. and he also had this toy snake. Jerry told the rest of the houseguests that he had to tell them the story of Hissy. So he told this dumbass story that didn't make any sense and went on and on and on for like 5 hours. Luckily for America, they only show bits and pieces of it. I think it probably would have taken the whole episode if they showed the whole thing. Dan was like falling asleep. Oh Jerry, can you please just leave the house?
The next segment they showed was a clip of Renny sleepwalking. There is not much to say about it except it was the weirdest thing I have ever seen. She got up and got an almond joy and was eating it in bed and talking about weird things. She also did not remember any of it in the morning.
The weirdest thing happened when Memphis went up to the HOH room to talk to Jerry. Jerry proposed final 2 to him. Why in the world would Memphis take Jerry to the final 2? Why!?!??! WHY!?!?!?! To make Jerry happy and to keep his ass off the block, Memphis agreed to taking him to final 2. Now we all know that it's never going to happen but whatever keeps him in one more week I'm ok with.
After that, they showed the nominiation ceremony. Jerry nominated Keesha and Dan. This did not make me happy. We all knew that Dan was going on the block but Keesha was a bit of a surprise to me. Keesha is also my favorite so I don't want her to go home. Hopefully she won't but I'm a little nervous, not going to lie.
Starts off the show with a nice conversation between Dan, Renny, and Memphis. Dan decided to ask Renny what time it was in New Orleans. Renny said 6:00 when it was really 10:00 there. Renny flipped out when Dan and Memphis were laughing at her and stuck with her belief that it was indeed 6:00 in New Orleans. She eventually figured it out but it was quite amusing watching her make a fool of herself. That crazy woman never knows what she is talking about!
Next was a little segment on Keesha's laugh. They showed several clips of it and the houseguests making fun of it. Along with that there were Diary Room Sessions of all the houseguests immitating her laugh. It was ABSOLUTELY hilarious. Well not all of them, Jerry's sucked. He can't get his voice that high so he just sounded like he was choking on something and could die right then and there.
After that was the HOH competition. It was an interesting competition in my opinion. I would have SUCKED at it. The host, Keesha, would say an event that happened in the Big Brother house and the houseguests had to determine which number day it happened. The way they picked their number was by playing a skeeball like game. They had to roll the ball up to the number that they wanted and hope it landed where they wanted it to which didn't always happen. For everyday off they were from the correct date, they would earn a penalty point. The HOH was the person with the least ammount of penalty points after 7 questions. Dan had the lead the entire game till question 6. Question 6 was: Which day was Jesse Evicted from the Big Brother house. Dan rolled it towards 30, which is what he thought it was and it went there but then it rolled down a couple numbers. By a couple, I mean 11. After that Jerry took the lead. On the last question, which was how many lollipops did America give the Big Brother houseguests, Dan got it perfect but he still lost HOH to Jerry by 2 penalty points. WORST CASE SCENERIO.
After that they showed Jerry's HOH room. He had a bunch of new pictures of his family etc. etc. and he also had this toy snake. Jerry told the rest of the houseguests that he had to tell them the story of Hissy. So he told this dumbass story that didn't make any sense and went on and on and on for like 5 hours. Luckily for America, they only show bits and pieces of it. I think it probably would have taken the whole episode if they showed the whole thing. Dan was like falling asleep. Oh Jerry, can you please just leave the house?
The next segment they showed was a clip of Renny sleepwalking. There is not much to say about it except it was the weirdest thing I have ever seen. She got up and got an almond joy and was eating it in bed and talking about weird things. She also did not remember any of it in the morning.
The weirdest thing happened when Memphis went up to the HOH room to talk to Jerry. Jerry proposed final 2 to him. Why in the world would Memphis take Jerry to the final 2? Why!?!??! WHY!?!?!?! To make Jerry happy and to keep his ass off the block, Memphis agreed to taking him to final 2. Now we all know that it's never going to happen but whatever keeps him in one more week I'm ok with.
After that, they showed the nominiation ceremony. Jerry nominated Keesha and Dan. This did not make me happy. We all knew that Dan was going on the block but Keesha was a bit of a surprise to me. Keesha is also my favorite so I don't want her to go home. Hopefully she won't but I'm a little nervous, not going to lie.
Big Brother,
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