Final 5: Jerry, Keesha, Renny, Memphis and Dan
HOH: Jerry
Veto: Memphis (Used to save Dan)
Nominated: Keesha and Renny
So this episode starts off with a conversation Memphis and Dan about Jerry. Memphis feels bad about the whole situation and wonders if Jerry is going to be really pissed off at him. Next they show Keesha and Jerry talking about Dan and Memphis. Jerry tells Keesha that Memphis has a deal with everyone in the house and that she should not trust Memphis and Dan. Then they show Renny and Keesha having a conversation about Dan and Memphis. Keesha wonders if Memphis is taking Dan to the end. Renny says that she thinks so because he had to have a good reason to take Dan off the block. Next Dan and Jerry talk. Jerry tells Dan that Memphis is only taking Dan to the end because he can win against him. He also tries to convince Dan to keep him for final 3. Next they show Dan and Keesha talking in the storage room. Both of them say that Jerry has come and talked to them individually. Memphis walks in shortly after and they tell Memphis that Jerry has talked to them. Keesha tells Memphis that Jerry says that Memphis has deals with everyone in the house. Memphis says to both of them that they no that he doesn't and it isn't true. Memphis is afraid that Keesha might believe Jerry. In a later conversation, Dan says "We have to be careful with her." The next conversation was between Renny and Keesha. They were getting all emotional and crying. They were saying how they would miss each other and were never going to forget each other and etc.
Next they had a segment on Memphis and his girlfriend Ashley. It was quite boring so I'm not even going to talk about it.
Next Julie talked to the houseguests. They show the clip of Jerry falling into the pool and everyone laughs hysterically except for Keesha. Kesha makes this "Oh my god I have never met someone so dumb" face. She looked like she was in shock. Julie asks Jerry if he is alright and Jerry says he is fine but he just looked really stupid. After, Julie asks Dan what is it about Renny that brings out “the prankster” in him. Dan says that he jokes around with his Mom a lot and Renny is like his mom in the house. He said it would probably an insult if he didn't do what he does and the more he teases her, the more he shows he cares about her. Julie asks Renny if she is more annoyed by Dan’s antics or amused. Renny says that she enjoys it and it is all in good fun.
After, Julie talks to Jerry in the HOH room. She asks Jerry what made him trust Memphis enough to form a deal with him. Jerry said that he was running out of people and he has tried to make deals with the other three people in the house as well. Julie also asked who he would want to go to final 2 with. He says Keesha for strategic reasons.
Next was the Jury House segment. It wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be. It could be because I hate everyone in the Jury house. Most of the conversation they showed was April and Michelle bashing Keesha. Though April said the funniest thing when she was talking about how she wanted to see Keesha in the Jury house. "Hopefully there won’t be any bedrooms available and she will have to sleep outside" So mean but so funny!
Next was the live eviction. Renny and Keesha give their speeches. Dan and Memphis both vote and Renny is evicted by a vote of 2-0. They all say goodbye to Renny and she leaves the house. Keesha seems really upset. She says that was the hardest person for her to watch leave. They go to outside the house where Julie is talking to Renny. Julie asks Renny why she thought that she was sitting there instead of Keesha. Renny says that it is because she didn't win POV and a couple of other reasons. They show her goodbye messages. My favorite was Dan's. After that it was bye bye Renny.
Next was the HOH competition. The competition was called 'Freeze Frame.' o The houseguests were given pictures of past competitions a few days and were shown to them again right before the competition. The competition was Julie would ask them questions about the pictures and they would have to step forward if they thought it was true and back if they thought it was false. The person who got the most right is the new HOH. I'm not going to go through all the questions because I'm tired but I might add them in later. The end score was Memphis 6, Keesha 2, and Dan 7 meaning Dan was the new HOH. I wish Keesha did a better job in this competition. I love Keesha but it was kind of embarassing how bad she did.
The house guests were then surprised when they walked back in the house. There was a sumo wrestler sitting on this weird thing in the middle of the living room. He started talking in a foreign language say "I'm sitting on the information you need." When the episode ended, they had not figured it out yet.
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