So I'm watching Big Brother: After Dark and some weird things are going on in the house. Memphis, Dan, and Jerry have discovered this spider on a web outside. I know I would freak out if I saw that thing. It is a HUGE spider. They have decided that they are going to feed the spider other bugs. Why are they doing this, I have no idea but they are running around chasing a stupid moth. It is actually kind of hilarious. The have been failing at catching the moth so they found a bee on the hammock. They through the bee at the web but that didn't work out to well. They are now back to chasing the moth. Dan almost caught it at one point but they have not been successful as of now. Some things that happen in that house I will never understand.
9:49 BBT: Memphis successfully catches the moth and throws it on to the web. They are currently watching the spider do things with the moth. It is crazy. I still don't understand what is so interesting about this but whatever keeps them entertained...
That video is from when they first catch a moth about an hour and a half earlier. I can't believe they seriously did this for an hour and a half.
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wanna do a link exchange with ?
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