Final 5: Jerry, Renny, Keesha, Dan, Memphis
HOH: Jerry
Nominated: Keesha and Dan
The episode starts off with a lot of conversations about the Power of Veto. The first is between Dan and Keesha. You can tell they are both slightly nervous about the competition tomorrow since they know that for all 4 of them, the only way they can secure there stay in the house is to win the power of veto. Dan also asks Keesha if she knew if anyone had made a deal with Jerry. Keesha said that she didn't know. The next conversation was between Jerry and Dan. Dan tells Jerry that there is no hard feelings. Jerry explains himself and told him it had to be done. They talk about how POV is so crucial and that nobody in the house feels safe right now. Jerry and Renny talked after that. Again, they discussed how crucial POV was. Then Renny and Keesha talk. They are both really nervous and I think Renny was more nervous than Keesha. Keesha thinks she shouldn't be as nervous because she isn't going home and Renny thinks Keesha shouldn't be nervous at all because no matter what she isn't going home. Renny was a little paranoid in my opinion though and she did not need to be paranoid at that time. Keesha says that it is just going to be crazy from here on out.
They next segment was about my personal favorite Big Brother moment, Jerry falling into the pool! I posted about this earlier but I will explain it again. Memphis and Dan are sitting outside and the three of them were looking at what was going on in the sky. Jerry is walking backwards and he walks straight into the pool. In a diary room session, Dan says that he is not usually the person who will laugh in other people's expense but that had to have been the funniest moment for him on Big Brother. He says the pool has been there for 60 days and it is not like the pool moved or anything. He should know where the pool is by now.
Next, Memphis checks in with Jerry, Keesha and Dan about his final 2 agreements. He knows he has to keep them all intact. He currently has them all believing that they are going to take them to the end and all of them had said that they would take him to the end. Memphis said in the DR that he was not sure who he was taking to the end just yet. I would assume he would take Dan unless Dan does something really stupid but right now it seems like he is still unsure. I believe that all three of them would take him to the end though so Memphis has most like secured a spot in the final 2.
The next segment was about how Dan LOVES to aggrivate Renny. It starts off with Dan being SUCH a creeper and standing over Renny. Renny is just like "What the hell are you doing!?!?" Next it goes to Dan mimicking everything Renny did or said. It was so hilarious and Renny was SO pissed off. Dan's goal is to annoy Renny to the point where it throws her off her game and he is definitely succeeding with that. Memphis and Dan think she over sensitive about some of the things Dan does though. They agree that she needs to go on the block and get out of the house
Next is the POV competition. The name of this POV competition was Rock-a-bye Veto. What happened in this competition was that two houseguests faces were combined to form a baby. The goal was to figure out who were the “parents” of the 6 babies in the fastest time. So the houseguests were split into there seperate rooms and they each went outside to do the competition individiually. The 6 babies were April and Dan, Keesha and Steven, Michelle and Jerry, Libra and Memphis, Renny and Jessie, and Angie and Brian. Memphis, Dan, Jerry, and Keesha all did a good job at this competition but Renny did not. Renny couldn't figure out the Michelle and Jerry baby, which was by far the easiest baby of all of them. Renny got Michelle but she was convinced that the male was not Jerry so she tried everyone else and was still convinced it wasn't Jerry so she wouldn't bring him over there. Eventually she just ended up doing it though. I don't understand why she thought it wasn't Jerry. Nobody else is bald with white hair and has wrinkles galore. It didn't make sense to me. She ended up with a time of 23: 32. As far as the other times go, Jerry got 8:01, Keesha got 5:16, Dan got 2:58, and Memphis won with a time of 2:50.
Memphis needed to do a second check-in with Dan, Jerry, and Keesha to make sure his final 2 plans are still good to go. He first talks to Dan. He tells Dan that he is indeed planning to take him off the block but he is expecting stuff in return. He tells Dan straight up that he has to stop with his crazy antics or he is not going to take him off. He also has to not put Memphis up if he is HOH. Dan agrees to all of this and the Renegades are still intact for Final 2. He then talks to Keesha and tells her that she is not going home. He tells her that Renny is going to be going on the block up against her which makes her really nervous because her safety in the house now in the hands of Dan. Memphis assures her that Dan is going to vote her to say as well as himself but she is still nervous because she never really knows if she can trust Dan. Memphis says that Dan is going to keep her because he knows that he will be alone in this house if Keesha goes home. After this Memphis is talking to Jerry. Jerry wants Dan to go home really bad. He thinks that he could see Dan winning the game but he can't see Renny winning the game so they should get Dan out now and deal with Renny later. It is pretty much implied that there will no longer be a final two agreement between them if Memphis takes Dan off the block.
Next is the veto ceremony. Memphis takes Dan off the block as expected and Renny goes up.
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