Final 5: Jerry, Keesha, Dan, Memphis, and Renny
Starts off the show with a nice conversation between Dan, Renny, and Memphis. Dan decided to ask Renny what time it was in New Orleans. Renny said 6:00 when it was really 10:00 there. Renny flipped out when Dan and Memphis were laughing at her and stuck with her belief that it was indeed 6:00 in New Orleans. She eventually figured it out but it was quite amusing watching her make a fool of herself. That crazy woman never knows what she is talking about!
Next was a little segment on Keesha's laugh. They showed several clips of it and the houseguests making fun of it. Along with that there were Diary Room Sessions of all the houseguests immitating her laugh. It was ABSOLUTELY hilarious. Well not all of them, Jerry's sucked. He can't get his voice that high so he just sounded like he was choking on something and could die right then and there.
After that was the HOH competition. It was an interesting competition in my opinion. I would have SUCKED at it. The host, Keesha, would say an event that happened in the Big Brother house and the houseguests had to determine which number day it happened. The way they picked their number was by playing a skeeball like game. They had to roll the ball up to the number that they wanted and hope it landed where they wanted it to which didn't always happen. For everyday off they were from the correct date, they would earn a penalty point. The HOH was the person with the least ammount of penalty points after 7 questions. Dan had the lead the entire game till question 6. Question 6 was: Which day was Jesse Evicted from the Big Brother house. Dan rolled it towards 30, which is what he thought it was and it went there but then it rolled down a couple numbers. By a couple, I mean 11. After that Jerry took the lead. On the last question, which was how many lollipops did America give the Big Brother houseguests, Dan got it perfect but he still lost HOH to Jerry by 2 penalty points. WORST CASE SCENERIO.
After that they showed Jerry's HOH room. He had a bunch of new pictures of his family etc. etc. and he also had this toy snake. Jerry told the rest of the houseguests that he had to tell them the story of Hissy. So he told this dumbass story that didn't make any sense and went on and on and on for like 5 hours. Luckily for America, they only show bits and pieces of it. I think it probably would have taken the whole episode if they showed the whole thing. Dan was like falling asleep. Oh Jerry, can you please just leave the house?
The next segment they showed was a clip of Renny sleepwalking. There is not much to say about it except it was the weirdest thing I have ever seen. She got up and got an almond joy and was eating it in bed and talking about weird things. She also did not remember any of it in the morning.
The weirdest thing happened when Memphis went up to the HOH room to talk to Jerry. Jerry proposed final 2 to him. Why in the world would Memphis take Jerry to the final 2? Why!?!??! WHY!?!?!?! To make Jerry happy and to keep his ass off the block, Memphis agreed to taking him to final 2. Now we all know that it's never going to happen but whatever keeps him in one more week I'm ok with.
After that, they showed the nominiation ceremony. Jerry nominated Keesha and Dan. This did not make me happy. We all knew that Dan was going on the block but Keesha was a bit of a surprise to me. Keesha is also my favorite so I don't want her to go home. Hopefully she won't but I'm a little nervous, not going to lie.
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