Monday, August 2, 2010

Floater's Grab Your Life Vests, Luxury Comps, and Cool Girl Baths

Houseguests: Brendon, Britney, Enzo, Hayden, Kathy, Kristen, Lane, Matt, Rachel, Ragan

This episode starts off with the house during voting. Kristen and Hayden were flipping out and at Andrew while everyone was going into vote. It was absolutely insane. Hayden said "You are so full of shit!" Kristen told him that he wanted to go out with a bang. In the DR, Hayden says that Captain Kosher ruined his game, Kristen says they have busted after trying so hard to keep that secret. Lane said “This whole time I thought they were cousins but now I find out they are kissing cousins” I laughed at that. Britney talks about how all hell is breaking loose. Matt is nervous because this might put too much attention on the brigade while Rachel is happy because it's taking the attention off of her and Brendon.

Then they Racap the HOH competition and Rachel is so incredibly excited in the DR. It is kind of annoying to be perfectly honest. Then this is when the drama really starts. Rachel decides to make the comment "Floater's grab your life vests, Kristen". Kristen flips out. First they argue about the game but then it started to get personal. Rachel starts saying she unintelligent because all she has is a fashion degree. Hayden chimes in with "And you're so smart because you have a chemistry degree? String a sentence together without using the word 'like,' will you?" Then Brendon comes in and since he is Brendon but he doesn't help. Then they start fighting about how Kristen said that she was going to put her and Brendon up. False. She said she didn't know. But Rachel wouldn't back down. The rest of the house is like pacing around not knowing what to do with themselves. They can't go inside because they haven't opened the doors yet and they didn't want to have anything to do with this argument. Rachel uses her line again and tells Kristen she is in dangerous waters. Also Kathy hugs Kristen and Hayden and Rachel and her jealous self gets pissed because her and Kathy used to be friends. Britney in DR says Phenomenal!!!! and that the target on her back gets smaller and smaller with every comment. That is pretty much all they show of the big argument.

Cut to Rachel and Brendon talking in the Taj bedroom. She is going through her whirlwind of emotions and is really excited that she won. They cut to Lane Matt and Enzo talking in Jumnaji bedroom. Talking about how no one knows about the brigade. Also saying that they have to get Kristen out to get Hayden's head back in the brigade.

Hayden talks to Rachel in Taj bedroom. He tries to do some damage control. Tells them they are not a shomance and Rachel keeps saying that Kristen was going to put her.

Hayden and Kristen talk in the Cabana room. Hayden feels like it is his fault. Kristen says it is not and she is mad at herself for not winning. Rachel comes in to apologize saying it was heat of the moment but Kristen doesn't accept the apology. Hayden says in the DR that he thinks she is crazy for doing that since Rachel is HOH. Enzo Lane and Hayden also talk about how it was crazy.

Then we get the infamous "Who wants to see my HOH room?" Kristen decides not to go up. Awkward. In the DR Enzo says he is just going to brown nose her. Nobody cares but he is going to pretend that he does. Britney then says the greatest DR quote of all time. 'Who wants to see my HoH room?' Nobody. In fact, we'd rather hang ourselves. But guess who's most excited? Me." Then they show her sitting on rachel's bed laughing. So funny. It was very well delivered and the hand motions were fantastic.

Then they watch the preview for the other guys since seeing the movie was the prize of the luxury comp. They laugh, it's really not that funny but they have been in the house so long, anything is funny. The competition is this race. There is all this cop stuff and Kathy says she is in "her world". (except Kathy made her team lose...bad). Britney says it was miserable and she couldn’t see anything because she is in the back. Matt said it washed off all the "Matt funk" since he hadn’t showered today. (there was a car wash part) Ragan said that Kathy is like carrying around a dead body. Enzo doesn’t like it. The winning team was Brendon, Enzo, and Hayden with a time 47 secs. Britney, Lane, and Matt really thought they won. They were close though with 52 secs. Kathy Ragan and Kristen had a time of 2 min and 14 secs. Fail.

They then showed the "Cool Girl Bath". Britney says that the last place she wants to be is in the bath with Rachel but she is HOH so "bubble up".

Kathy talks to Brendon and Rachel about how she isn't a floater and really wants to be there. She should realize that she is a floater. Kristen and Rachel have a long talk. It was very repetitive (not shown as repetitive and long in the show but that thing lasted almost 2 hours) They talk about whether Kristen was going to put Rachel and Brendon up. Afterwards Brendon talks to Rachel and tells her she is crazy for considering to not put up Kristen. In the end Rachel nominates Hayden and Kristen and then makes another stupid Rachel move and tells them to "Bring it on".

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